The chair's seminars are centered around presentations given by graduate students, but might also include other relevant presentations and activities.
Kerli Kuusk will review the following paper:
Kersh-Mellor R, Montgomery SH, McLellan CF. 2024 Selfish herd effects in aggregated caterpillars and their interaction with warning signals. Biol. Lett. 20: 20240050.
Nidal Fetnassi will talk about the progress of her thesis work:
Moth diversity across semi-arid landscapes: a case study in the High Atlas mountains
Our seminars take place every other Wednesday at 16:15 in Liivi 2-126. You are welcome to attend!
October 30th, 2024 (in Estonian)
Auli Veske
Kuidas teha süstemaatilist ülevaadet?
May 15th, 2024
Nidal Fetnassi & Kadri Ude
What is the value of clearcuts as habitats for nocturnal moths?
April 24th, 2024 (in Estonian)
1) Kadi Tõnurist
Lindstedt, C., Murphy, L., & Mappes, J. (2019). Antipredator strategies of pupae: how to avoid predation in an immobile life stage?. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 374(1783), 20190069.
2) Liisa-Lotta Aug
Aasia arlekiinlepatriinu: ühe võõrliigi lugu
April 10th, 2024
1) Stenio Foerster
Extensions of the Brownian motion model for the study of bounded evolution.
2) Auli Veske
Various ways insect populations can respond to landscape-level changes, with a special focus on the paper: Gérard M., Marshall L., Martinet B., and Michez D. 2021. ‘Impact of Landscape Fragmentation and Climate Change on Body Size Variation of Bumblebees during the Last Century’. Ecography 44(2):255–64.
March 27th, 2024
1) Kerli Kuusk
Than, A.T., Ponton, F. & Morimoto, J. Integrative developmental ecology: a review of density-dependent effects on life-history traits and host-microbe interactions in non-social holometabolous insects. Evol Ecol 34, 659–680 (2020).
2) Vineesh Nedumpally
GHOST model - in phylogenetics
March 13th, 2024
Oleg Borodin
Fulgoromorpha & Cicadomorpha (Hemiptera) of Belarus, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Current state of knowledge
January 18th, 2024 (in Estonian)
Anni Miller
Pre-defence of master's thesis "Road embankments as a habitat for Orthoptera"
December 12th, 2023
1) Auli Veske
Insect diversity in anthropogenic landscapes
2) Kadri Ude
Living „out of season“: the evolutionary ecology of winter moths
3) Kerli Kuusk
Crowding effects in insect life histories
November 22nd, 2023
1) Stenio Foerster
Unraveling evolutionary patterns: the interplay of body size and life-history traits in geometrid moths
2) Vineesh Nedumpally
Phylogenomics of North European Noctuidae based on Anchored Hybrid Enrichment technology
November 8th, 2023
Robin Gielen
Pre-defence of doctoral thesis "Diversity and ecological role of pathogenic fungi in insect populations“
November 1st, 2023
1) Nidal Fetnassi
Moth communities in natural, semi-natural and agricultural habitats within the semi-arid landscape of Morocco
2) Daniel Valdma
Butterfly stories from grasslands and clear-cuts?
May 23rd, 2023
Pre-defences of master's theses (in Estonian):
1) Aivar-Erik Pärna
Elupaigakasutus kahel obligatoorselt sipelgaseoselisel sinilibliklasel
2) Kadri Ude
Tiibade kuju evolutsioon vaksiklastel
3) Kelly Kittus
Värvustunnuste evolutsiooniline ökoloogia paelöölastel
April 12nd 2023
1) Leonard O. Opare
The effect of rearing density and entomopathogens as co-stressors on black soldier fly larvae immunity and life history traits
2) Vineesh Nedumpally
AHE (Anchored Hybrid Enrichment, a relatively new DNA sequencing technology) data processing
January 18th 2023
1) Nidal Fetnassi
Zvaríková M, Prokop P, Zvarík M, Ježová Z, Medina-Jerez W and Fedor P (2021). What Makes Spiders Frightening and Disgusting to People? Front. Ecol. Evol. 9:694569. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.694569
… and her fieldwork in Morocco
2) Arevik Ghrmajyan
A phylogenetic-comparative study of resting postures on Geometridae moths
3) Auli Veske
B.B. Phillips, C. Wallace, B.R. Roberts, A.T. Whitehouse, K.J. Gaston, J.M. Bullock, L.V. Dicks, J.L. Osborne. Enhancing road verges to aid pollinator conservation: a review. Biol. Conserv. (2020), doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108687
December 21st 2022
1) Triin Lepik
Entomology in Charles University in Czech republic, her Erasmus experience
2) Marko Prous
What is going on in Oulu University and a bit of nanosequenching
3) Kadri Ude
Joschinski, J. and Bonte, D. (2021), Diapause and bet-hedging strategies in insects: a meta-analysis of reaction norm shapes. Oikos, 130: 1240-1250.
December 14th 2022
1) Stênio Ítalo Araújo Foerster
Krams, R. et al. 2021 Spider odors induce stoichiometric changes in fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.
Current Zoology 67: 127–129. :
2) Daniel Valdma
Warren, M. S., Maes, D., van Swaay, C. A. M., Goffart, P., van Dyck, H., Bourn, N. A. D., et al. (2021). The decline of butterflies in Europe: problems, significance, and possible solutions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 118:e2002551117. doi: 10.1073/PNAS.2002551117
November 23rd 2022
1) Kelly Kittus
Pasqual, C. D. , Groot, T. A., Mappes, J., Burdfeel-Steel, E. (2021). Evolutionary importance of intraspecific variation in sex pheromones. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 36(9), 848-859.
2) Aivar-Erik Pärna
Erasmus+ exchange at the University of Konstanz in the Kleineidam Behavioral Neurobiology research group
November 9th 2022
1) Vineesh Nedumpally
Phalnikar, K., Kunte, K., & Agashe, D. (2019). Disrupting butterfly caterpillar microbiomes does not impact their survival and development. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 286(1917), 20192438.
2) Leonard Opare
Promislow, D. E. L., Flatt, T., & Bonduriansky, R. (2022). The Biology of Aging in Insects: From Drosophila to Other Insects and Back. Annual Review of Entomology, 67(1), 83–103.
October 26, 2022
1) Robin Gielen
Vorburger, C. 2022. Defensive Symbionts and the Evolution of Parasitoid Host Specialization. Annual Review of Entomology. 65: 329-346
2) Anni Miller
Rimsaite, Jolanta & Ivinskis, Povilas & Bartkevičienė, Galina & Bernotienė, Rasa. (2022). The northward spread of the European mantis, Mantis religiosa (Mantodea: Mantidae): Data from Lithuania. European Journal of Entomology. 119. 318-326.
Spring 2021/2022
May 18, 2022
1) Anni Miller
Knoblauch, A.,Thoma, M., Menz, M.H.M. 2021. Autumn southward migration of dragonflies along the Baltic coast and the influence of weather on flight behaviour. Animal Behaviour, Volume 176, 2021, Pages 99-109, ISSN 0003-3472. (EST)
2) Aivar-Erik Pärna
Suen, G., Teiling, C., Li, L., Holt, C., Abouheif, E., & Bornberg-Bauer, E. et al. (2011). The Genome Sequence of the Leaf-Cutter Ant Atta cephalotes Reveals Insights into Its Obligate Symbiotic Lifestyle. Plos Genetics, 7(2), e1002007. (EST)
May 10, 2022
1) Nidal Fetnassi
Effect of land use on moth communities in a village in High Atlas Mountains of Morocco
2) Kerli Kuusk
Asustustiheduse mõju võsavaksiku (Hypomecis atomaria) elukäigutunnustele
May 4, 2022
1) Leonard Opare
Exploring the effects of rearing density and entomopathogenic fungi exposure on black soldier fly larva immunity
2) Triin Lepik
Ormond MT et al. 2011. Avoidance of a generalist entomopathogenic fungus by the ladybird, Coccinella septempunctata. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Volume 77: 229–237,
April 20, 2022
1)Sigitas Podėnas
will introduce Lithuanian Nature research center.
2) Kadri Ude
Mouchet, M.A., Villéger, S., Mason, N.W.H. and Mouillot, D. (2010), Functional diversity measures: an overview of their redundancy and their ability to discriminate community assembly rules. Functional Ecology, 24: 867-876.
3) Kelly Kittus
„Panda is cryptic“
April 12, 2022
1) Vineesh Nedumpally
Anchored hybrid enrichment technology - a breakthrough in phylogenetics
2) Robin Gielen
Ben-Ami, F. 2019. Host age effects in invertebrates: epidemiological, ecological, and evolutionary implications. - Trends in Parasitology 35(6): 466-480
December 15, 2021
1) Kadri Ude
Testing the efficiency of bait-trapping in relation to weather and landscape parameters combined with Moth communities on forest clear-cuts: impacts of clear-cut age and reforestation method
2) Triin Lepik
Lepatriinude (Coccinellidae) värvuse varieeruvus (liigi siseselt ja/või liikide vahel?)
3) Aivar-Erik Pärna
Peremeessipelgate mõju kahe sipelgaseoselise päevaliblika elupaigakasutusel
Master students
duration: ca 12 minutes
main purpose: to present your plans and convince the audience that your project is feasible
sisu: ca 1/4 of the allotted time should be dedicated on the background system
PhD students
duration: ca 25 minutes
main purpose: to present your plans and convince the audience that your project is feasible
sisu: ca 1/2 of the allotted time should be dedicated on the background system
Background system: