Members of the Chair of Animal Ecology

Peeter Horak Erik dog human dialog

Peeter Hõrak

Professor of Behavioural Ecology
Leader of the Human Behavioural Ecology Group

Phone: +372 7375 075 Cell phone: +372 5149 552

Main research interests
Behavioural ecology of humans. Avian immunoecology, behavioural ecology and personality research. Oxidative stress in animal ecology. Has been involved in research on immunoecology of fishes, insects and mammals.

Winner of the National Science Awards in 2002 (with R. Mänd, T. Tammaru and I. Ots) and in 2013.

Teaching at university
Reads lectures in evolutionary ecology, ethology, evolutionary biology, parasitology, and general principles of scientific research. He has supervised 9 PhD theses and 6 MSc theses.

Publications Academic CV

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Raivo Mänd

Professor Emeritus in Animal Ecology

Cell phone: +372 5069 849

Main research interests
Recently has studied Breeding ecology and habitat relations of forest passerines, physiological and behavioural ecology, plumage bacterial communities in birds, etc. Earlier has studied seabird ecology (in terns and gulls), the ecological morphology of avian eggs and the distribution of land snails in Estonia. Lately, he has been mainly dedicated to the popularisation of science.

Winner of the National Science Award 2002 (with P. Hõrak, T. Tammaru and I. Ots).

Teaching at university
Teaches ethology and behavioural ecology courses, and gives lectures on scientific methodology and scientific presentation art. He has supervised 9 PhD theses and 9 MSc theses.

Publications Academic CV

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Tuul Sepp

Associate Professor in Animal Ecology
Leader of the Evolutionary Ecophysiology Group

Cell phone: +372 5052 501

Main research interests
Impact of man-made environmental changes (especially urbanization and marine pollution) on free-range animals (mainly birds and fish), aging and cancer in the context of evolutionary ecology.

Laureate of the Young Scientist Award of the President of the Republic (2020)

Teaching at university
Gives lectures on Evolutionary Ecology, Ethology, and Parasitology courses. Supervisor of PhD (one successfully completed) and Master's students.

Publications Academic CV Group's Homepage
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Vallo Tilgar

Vallo Tilgar

Associate Professor in Avian Ecology
Leader of the Avian Ecology Group

Phone: +372 7375 814 Cell phone: +372 5291 735

Main research interests
Avian physiological and behavioural ecology, habitat relations of forest passerines, avian personalities. Earlier has studied population ecology of moose.

Teaching at university
Responsible for Animal ecophysiology course, teaches data sampling, gives lectures on ethology and conservation biology, earlier also on ornithology. He has supervised 3 PhD theses and several Master's theses.

Publications Academic CV
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Jeffrey Carbillet

Researcher of Animal Ecophysiology
Leader of the Animal Ecophysiology and Behaviour Group

Main research interests
How wild animals adapt to environmental changes through physiological and behavioural adjustments. For example, the impact of pollution on the life history of seabirds, and the impact of urbanisation on mammals.

Teaching at university
Responsible for Parasitology course. Gives lectures and practicals in Animal ecophysiology course. Supervisor of PhD, Master's and Bachelor students.

Publications Academic CV

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Jaanis Lodjak

Researcher in Animal Ecology

Cell phone: +372 5594 5922

Main research interests
Physiological regulation mechanisms of animal behaviour and reproduction, effect of growth factor IGF-1 on avian behaviour.

Teaching at university
Gives practicals on experiment planning and data analysis. Supervisor of Master's and Bachelor theses.

Publications Academic CV
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Richard Meitern

Researcher in Animal Ecology
Director of the Lab for Animal Ecophysiology and Behaviour

Main research interests
Ecophysiological and biochemical research methods

Teaching at university
Reads lectures on parasitology. Supervised student's theses.

Publications Academic CV
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Randel Kreitsberg

Researcher in Ecotoxicology

Main research interests
Ecotoxicology of water bodies: distribution and effects of environmental pollution (heavy metals, petroleum products and other organic toxic substances) on living organisms; microplastic pollution. Fish physiology and health: stress factors caused by toxic substances, biomarkers, cancer in fish.

Teaching at university
Teaches ecotoxicology, reads lectures within the course of animal ecophysiology. Supervises PhD and Master's studies.

Publications Academic CV

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Marko Mägi

Researcher in Avian Ecology (0.2)
Communication Director of the Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences (0.2)
Director of the Field Lab of Avian Ecology

Phone: +372 7375 892 Cell phone: +372 5207 589

Main research interests
Avian population ecology and urbanization, behavioral ecology, habitat effects and personality studies.

Teaching at university
Responsible for the following disciplines: Problem Seminar in Biology and Bidoversity Conservation, Practical Identification of Vertebrates in the Wild. Gives lectures on ethology and ornithology, also practicals in data analysis. He has successfully supervised 1 PhD thesis and several Master's theses.

Publications Academic CV
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Jürgen Karvak

PhD Student, Junior Researcher

Study subject
Using condition indices and genetic studies to assess animal welfare and habitat quality in freshwater habitat restoration projects
Supervisors: T. Sepp, L. Saks (EMI)

Teaching at university
Gives lectures in Parasitology. Supervise Bachelor's and Master's students.


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Christel Rose Bachmann

PhD Student, Junior Researcher

Study subject
Bat health indices in urbanizing environments
Supervisors: T. Sepp

Teaching at university
Gives lectures in Parasitology and field practicals in Ornithology. Supervise Bachelor's and Master's students.


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Hannah Métaireau

PhD Student, Junior Researcher

Study subject
Factors influencing nesting site selection and their fitness consequences in a colonial seabird, the Common gull (Larus canus)
Supervisors: J. Carbillet, J. Lodjak, T. Sepp

Teaching at university
To be updated


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Velda Lauringson

PhD Student, Junior Researcher

Study subject
Interactions between somatic growth, pubertal maturation and cognitive development of adolescents from the life-history perspective.
Supervisors P. Hõrak, G. Veldre


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Riin Viigipuu

PhD Student, Junior Researcher

Study subject
Understanding the anthropogenic noise effects to avian behaviour and fitness in free-living populations
Supervisor V. Tilgar

Teaching at university
Gives field practicals in Ornithology and participated in a practicum of data collection methods


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Merilin Raudna-Kristoffersen

PhD Student, Junior Researcher

Study subject
Distribution of microplastics in the marine environment and its long-term effects on aquatic organisms on the example of the zebrafish Danio rerio.
Supervisors: R. Kreitsberg, M. Heinlaan, A. Ivask.


To the top

  • Ursula Pajumäe (Supervisors: J. Carbillet, J. Lodjak, T. Sepp)
  • Maria Ksenofontov (Supervisors: J. Carbillet, J. Lodjak)
  • Johan Boeijkens (Supervisors: J. Carbillet, J. Lodjak)
  • Mariliis Albert (Supervisors: R. Kreitsberg, T. Sepp)
  • Hennessy Elizabeth Dubrov (Supervisor: R. Kreitsberg)
  • Maali Suitso (Supervisor: V. Tilgar)
  • Jan-Eric Lauri (Supervisor: R. Kreitsberg)
  • Liisa Juurmann (Supervisor: R. Kreitsberg)
  • Toomas Tammaru (Associate Professor 1999 - 2005, currently Professor of Entomology, Director of the Chair of Entomology, Head of the Department of Zoology)
  • Indrek Ots (Researcher and Senior Researcher 1999 - 2005)
  • George A. Lozano (Researcher 2009 - 2010)
  • Priit Kilgas (Researcher 2007 - 2011)
  • Małgorzata E. Arlet (post-doctoral Researcher 2010 - 2013)
  • Asko Lõhmus (Researcher and Senior Researcher 2003 - 2013, currently Professor of Conservation Biology, Director of the Chair of Natural Resources)
  • Riinu Rannap (Researcher 2009 - 2013, currently Associate Professor of the Chair of Natural Resources)
  • Lauri Saks (Researcher 2004 - 2014, currently Associate Professor of the Estonian Marine Institute)
  • Pauli Saag (Researcher 2010 - 2015)
  • Tatjana Krama (Researcher 2016 - 2019, currently Senior Researcher of the Estonian University of Life Sciences)
  • Ulvi Karu (Researcher 2008 - 2021)
  • Elin Sild (Researcher 2012 - 2021)
  • Kunter Tätte (Researcher 2020 - 2021)
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