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Terioloogia õppetooli teaduspublikatsioonid alates aastast 2014

Terioloogia töörühm on alates aastast 2014 avaldanud 90 teaduspublikatsiooni (kategooria 1.1)


Azzurra Santoro, Federica Santolamazza, Simone M. Cacciò, Giuseppe La Rosa, Daniela Antolová, Herbert Auer, Guna Bagrade, Petra Bandelj, Walter Basso, Relja Beck, Carlo V. Citterio, Rebecca K. Davidson, Gunita Deksne, Caroline F. Frey, Eva Fuglei, Walter Glawischnig, Bruno Gottstein, Jiří Harna, Heidi Huus Petersen, Jacek Karamon, Famke Jansen, Júlia Jarošová, Pikka Jokelainen, Britta Lundström-Stadelmann, Pavlo Maksimov, Milan Miljević, Martina Miterpáková, Epp Moks, Francesco Origgi, Zanda Ozolina, Marie-Pierre Ryser, Thomas Romig, Mindaugas Šarkūnas, Nathalie Scorrano, Urmas Saarma, Viliam Šnábel, Tamás Sréter, Gèrald Umhang, Gorazd Vengušt, Diana Žele Vengušt, Adriano Casulli. 2024. Mitochondrial genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of Echinococcus multilocularis in Europe. International Journal for Parasitology, 54: 233-245.


1) Laurimäe T, Kinkar L, Moks E, Bagrade G, Saarma U. 2023. Exploring the genetic diversity of genotypes G8 and G10 of the Echinococcus canadensis cluster in Europe based on complete mitochondrial genomes (13 550 – 13 552 bp). Parasitology, 150, 631–637.

2) Saarma U, Skirnisson K, Björnsdottir TS, Laurimäe T, Kinkar L. 2023. Cystic echinococcosis in Iceland: a brief history and genetic analysis of a 46-year-old Echinococcus isolate collected prior to the eradication of this zoonotic disease. Parasitology, 150, 638–643.

3) Muqaddas H, Mehmood N, Saarma U, Usman A, Ahmed F, Varcasia A, Sini MF, Ullah MI. 2023. First report of Echinococcus ortleppi and genotype G6 of E. canadensis cluster from southern Punjab, Pakistan and a global overview on genetic structure and host adaptation of E. ortleppi. Acta Tropica, 244:106951.

4) Kinkar, Liina; Korhonen, Pasi K; Saarma, Urmas; Wang, Tao; Zhu, Xing-Quan; Harliwong, Ivon; Yang, Bicheng; Fink, J. Lynn; Wang, Daxi; Chang, Bill; Chelomina, Galina; Koehler, Anson; Young, Neil D; Gasser, Robin. 2023. Genome-wide exploration reveals distinctive northern and southern variants of Clonorchis sinensis in the Far East. Molecular Ecology Resources 23: 833–843.

5) Casulli A, Abela-Ridder B, Petrone D, Fabiani M, Bobić B, Carmena D, Šoba B, Zerem E, Gargaté MJ, Kuzmanovska G, Calomfirescu C, Rainova I, Sotiraki S, Lungu V, Dezsényi B, Herrador Z, Karamon J, Maksimov P, Oksanen A, Millon L, Sviben M, Shkjezi R, Gjoni V, Akshija I, Saarma U, Torgerson P, Šnábel V, Antolová D, Muhovic D, Besim H, Chereau F, Belhassen García M, Chappuis F, Gloor S, Stoeckle M, Müllhaupt B, Manno V, Santoro A, Santolamazza F. (2023). Unveiling the incidences and trends of the neglected zoonosis cystic echinococcosis in Europe: a systematic review from the MEmE project. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 23: e95–e107.

6) Eve Rannamäe, Urmas Saarma, Juha Kantanen, Auli Bläuer. 2023. Maternal genetic diversity of ancient goats in Finland and Estonia and comparison with extant Northern European goat breeds. Animal Genetics 54 (2), 177−188.

7) Menno J. de Jong, Aidin Niamir, Magnus Wolf, Andrew C. Kitchener, Nicolas Lecomte, Ivan V. Seryodkin, Steven R. Fain, Snorre B. Hagen, Urmas Saarma, Axel Janke. 2023. Range-wide whole-genome resequencing of the brown bear reveals drivers of intraspecies divergence. Communications Biology 6:153,

8) Kronenberg PA, Reinehr M, Eichenberger RM, Hasler S, Laurimäe T, Weber A, Deibel A, Müllhaupt B, Gottstein B, Müller N, Hemphill A and Deplazes P. 2023. Monoclonal antibodybased localization of major diagnostic antigens in metacestode tissue, excretory/secretory products, and extracellular vesicles of Echinococcus species. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 13:1162530.

9) Ciucani, MM; Ramos-Madrigal, J; Hernandez-Alonso, G; Carmagnini, A; Aninta, SG; Sun, X; Scharff-Olsen, CH; Lanigan, LT; Fracasso, I; Clausen, CG; Aspi, J; Kojola, I; Baltrunaite, L; Balciauskas, L; Moore, J; Åkesson, M; Saarma, U; Hindrikson, M; Hulva, P; Bolfiková, BC; Nowak, C; Godinho, R; Smith, S; Paule, L; Nowak, S; Myslajek, RW; Lo Brutto, S; Ciucci, P; Boitani, L; Vernesi, C; Stenoien, HK; Smith, O; Frantz, L; Rossi, L; Angelici, FM; Cilli, E; Sinding, MHS; Gilbert, MTP; Gopalakrishnan, S. 2023. The extinct Sicilian wolf shows a complex history of isolation and admixture with ancient dogs. iScience 26, 107307.


1) Tull A, Valdmann H, Rannap R, Kaasiku T, Tammeleht E, Saarma U. 2022. Free-ranging rural dogs are highly infected with helminths, contaminating environment nine times more than urban dogs. Journal of Helminthology 96, e19, 1–10.

2) Mehmood N, Muqaddas H, Ullah MI, Saarma U, Varcasia A. 2022. Genetic structure and phylogeography of Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto genotypes G1 and G3 in Pakistan and other regions of the world based on nad5 gene. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 98: 105223.

3) Pasi K. Korhonen, Liina Kinkar, Neil D. Young, Huimin Cai, Marshall W. Lightowlers, Charles Gauci, Abdul Jabbar, Bill C. H. Chang, Tao Wang, Andreas Hofmann, Anson V. Koehler, Junhua Li, Jiandong Li, Daxi Wang, Jiefang Yin, Huanming Yang, David J. Jenkins, Urmas Saarma, Teivi Laurimäe, Mohammad Rostami-Nejad, Malik Irshadullah, Hossein Mirhendi, Mitra Sharbatkhori, Francisco Ponce-Gordo, Sami Simsek, Adriano Casulli, Houria Zait, Hripsime Atoyan, Mario Luiz de la Rue, Thomas Romig, Marion Wassermann, Sargis A. Aghayan, Gevorgyan Hasmik, Bicheng Yang & Robin B. Gasser. 2022. Chromosome-scale Echinococcus granulosus (genotype G1) genome reveals the Eg95 gene family and conservation of the EG95-vaccine molecule. Communications Biology 5:199

4) Adriano Casulli, Alessandro Massolo, Urmas Saarma, Gerald Umhang, Federica Santolamazza, Azzurra Santoro. 2022. Species and genotypes belonging to Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato complex causing human cystic echinococcosis in Europe (2000–2021): a systematic review. Parasites & Vectors, 15:109,

5) Ants Tull, Harri Valdmann, Egle Tammeleht, Triin Kaasiku, Riinu Rannap, Urmas Saarma. 2022. High overlap of zoonotic helminths between wild mammalian predators and rural dogs – an emerging One Health concern? Parasitology 149, 1565–1574.

6) Doan K, Niedziałkowska M, Stefaniak K, Sykut M, Jędrzejewska B, Ratajczak-Skrzatek U, Piotrowska N, Ridush B, Zachos FE, Popović D, Baca M, Mackiewicz P, Kosintsev P, Makowiecki D, Charniauski M, Boeskorov G, Bondarev AA, Danila G, Kusak J, Rannamäe E, Saarma U, Arakelyan M, Manaseryan N, Krasnodębski D, Titov V, Hulva P, Bălășescu A, Trantalidou K, Dimitrijević V, Shpansky A, Kovalchuk O, Klementiev AM, Foronova I, Malikov DG, Juras A, Nikolskiy P, Grigoriev SE, Cheprasov MY, Novgorodov GP, Sorokin AD, Wilczyński J, Protopopov AV, Lipecki G, Stanković A. 2022. Phylogenetics and phylogeography of red deer mtDNA lineages during the last 50 000 years in Eurasia. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 194: 431–456.

7) Rannamäe E, Saarma U, Bläuer A. 2022. Cultural influences on the castration age of cattle in the northern Baltic Sea region during the medieval and post-medieval periods. Journal of Archaeological Science, 137: 105517.

8) Anna S. Molodtseva, Alexey I. Makunin, Valentina V. Salomashkina, Ilya G. Kichigin, Nadezhda V. Vorobieva, Sergey K. Vasiliev, Mikhail V. Shunkov, Alexey A. Tishkin, Sergey P. Grushin, Peeter Anijalg, Egle Tammeleht, Marju Keis, Gennady G. Boeskorov, Nikolai Mamaev, Innokenty M. Ochlopkov, Alexey P. Kryukov, Elena A. Lyapunova, Marina V. Kholodova, Ivan V. Seryodkin, Urmas Saarma, Vladimir A. Trifonov & Alexander S. Graphodatsky. 2022. Phylogeography of ancient and modern brown bears from eastern Eurasia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 135, 722–733.

9) PK Korhonen, B Shaban, NG Faux, L Kinkar, BCH Chang, D Wang, B Yang, ND Young, RB Gasser 2022. “Escalibur”—A practical pipeline for the de novo analysis of nucleotide variation in nonmodel eukaryotes. Molecular Ecology Resources 22 (5), 2120-2126

10) H Samari, T Laurimäe, N Reghaissia, A Dahmane, A Mamoune, D Baroudi, P Deplazes, A Laatamna. 2022. Molecular characterization of Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato genotypes in dromedary camels from extreme Sahara of Algeria based on analysis of nad2 and nad5 genetic markers. Acta Tropica 234, 106616


1) Niedzialkowska M, Doan K, Górny M, Sykut M, Stefaniak K, Piotrowska N, Jędrzejewska B, Ridush B, Pawełczyk S, Mackiewicz P, Schmölcke U, Kosintsev P, Makowiecki D, Charniauski M, Krasnodębski D, Rannamäe E, Saarma U, Arakelyan M, Manaseryan N, Titov VV, Hulva P, Bălășescu A, Fyfe R, Woodbridge J, Trantalidou K, Dimitrijević V, Kovalchuk O, Wilczyński J, Obadă T, Lipecki G, Arabey A, Stanković A. 2021. Winter temperature and forest cover have shaped red deer distribution in Europe and the Ural Mountains since the Late Pleistocene. Journal of Biogeography, 48: 147–159.

2) Tull A, Moks E, Saarma U. 2021. Endoparasite prevalence and infection risk factors among cats in an animal shelter in Estonia. Folia Parasitologica, 68: 010.

3) Pylidis C, Anijalg P, Saarma U, Dawson DA, Karaiskou N, Butlin R, Mertzanis Y, Giannakopoulos A, Iliopoulos Y, Krupa A, Burke TA. 2021. Multi-source non-invasive genetics of brown bears (Ursus arctos) in Greece reveals a highly structured population and a new matrilineal contact zone in southern Europe. Ecology and Evolution, 11: 6427–6443.

4) Joanny G, Mehmood N, Dessi G, Tamponi C, Nonnis F, Hosri C, Saarma U, Varcasia A, Scala A (2021). Cystic echinococcosis in sheep and goats of Lebanon. Parasitology, 148: 871–878.

5) Umhang G, Bastid V, Avcioglu H, Bagrade G, Bujanić M, Čabrilo OB, Casulli A, Dorny P, van der Giessen J, Guven E, Harna J, Karamon J, Kharchenko V, Knapp J, Kolarova L, Konyaev S, Laurimaa L, Losch S, Miljević M, Miterpakova M, Moks E, Romig T, Saarma U, Snabel V, Sreter T, Valdmann H, Boué F. 2021. Unravelling the genetic diversity and relatedness of Echinococcus multilocularis isolates in Eurasia using the EmsB microsatellite nuclear marker. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 92, 104863.

6) ND Young, AJ Stroehlein, L Kinkar, T Wang, W-M Sohn, BCH Chang, P Kaur, D Weisz, O Dudchenko, E Lieberman Aiden, PK Korhonen, RB Gasser. 2021. High-quality reference genome for Clonorchis sinensis. Genomics 113, 1605-1615.

7) Liina Kinkar, Robin B Gasser, Bonnie L Webster, David Rollinson, D Timothy J Littlewood, Bill CH Chang, Andreas J Stroehlein, Pasi K Korhonen, Neil D Young. 2021. Nanopore sequencing resolves elusive long tandem-repeat regions in mitochondrial genomes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(4), 1811;

8) Neil D Young, Liina Kinkar, Andreas J Stroehlein, Pasi K Korhonen, J Russell Stothard, David Rollinson, Robin B Gasser. 2021. Mitochondrial genome of Bulinus truncatus (Gastropoda: Lymnaeoidea): Implications for snail systematics and schistosome epidemiology. Current Research in Parasitology & Vector-borne Diseases 1, 100017

9) Librado P, Khan N, Fages A, Kusliy MA, Suchan T, Tonasso-Calvière L, Schiavinato S, Alioglu D, Fromentier A, Perdereau A, Aury JM, Gaunitz C, Chauvey L, Seguin-Orlando A, Der Sarkissian C, Southon J, Shapiro B, Tishkin AA, Kovalev AA, Alquraishi S, Alfarhan AH, Al-Rasheid KAS, Seregély T, Klassen L, Iversen R, Bignon-Lau O, Bodu P, Olive M, Castel JC, Boudadi-Maligne M, Alvarez N, Germonpré M, Moskal-Del Hoyo M, Wilczyński J, Pospuła S, Lasota-Kuś A, Tunia K, Nowak M, Rannamäe E, Saarma U, Boeskorov G, Lōugas L, Kyselý R, Peške L, Bălășescu A, Dumitrașcu V, Dobrescu R, Gerber D, Kiss V, Szécsényi-Nagy A, Mende BG, Gallina Z, Somogyi K, Kulcsár G, Gál E, Bendrey R, Allentoft ME, Sirbu G, Dergachev V, Shephard H, Tomadini N, Grouard S, Kasparov A, Basilyan AE, Anisimov MA, Nikolskiy PA, Pavlova EY, Pitulko V, Brem G, Wallner B, Schwall C, Keller M, Kitagawa K, Bessudnov AN, Bessudnov A, Taylor W, Magail J, Gantulga JO, Bayarsaikhan J, Erdenebaatar D, Tabaldiev K, Mijiddorj E, Boldgiv B, Tsagaan T, Pruvost M, Olsen S, Makarewicz CA, Valenzuela Lamas S, Albizuri Canadell S, Nieto Espinet A, Iborra MP, Lira Garrido J, Rodríguez González E, Celestino S, Olària C, Arsuaga JL, Kotova N, Pryor A, Crabtree P, Zhumatayev R, Toleubaev A, Morgunova NL, Kuznetsova T, Lordkipanize D, Marzullo M, Prato O, Bagnasco Gianni G, Tecchiati U, Clavel B, Lepetz S, Davoudi H, Mashkour M, Berezina NY, Stockhammer PW, Krause J, Haak W, Morales-Muñiz A, Benecke N, Hofreiter M, Ludwig A, Graphodatsky AS, Peters J, Kiryushin KY, Iderkhangai TO, Bokovenko NA, Vasiliev SK, Seregin NN, Chugunov KV, Plasteeva NA, Baryshnikov GF, Petrova E, Sablin M, Ananyevskaya E, Logvin A, Shevnina I, Logvin V, Kalieva S, Loman V, Kukushkin I, Merz I, Merz V, Sakenov S, Varfolomeyev V, Usmanova E, Zaibert V, Arbuckle B, Belinskiy AB, Kalmykov A, Reinhold S, Hansen S, Yudin AI, Vybornov AA, Epimakhov A, Berezina NS, Roslyakova N, Kosintsev PA, Kuznetsov PF, Anthony D, Kroonen GJ, Kristiansen K, Wincker P, Outram A, Orlando L. 2021. Genomic origins and spread of domestic horses from the Bronze Age Western Eurasia steppe. Nature, 598: 634–640.


1) Tammeleht E, Kull A, Pärna K. 2020. Assessing the importance of protected areas in human-dominated lowland for brown bear (Ursus arctos) winter denning. Mammal Research 65: 105–115.

2) Anijalg P, Remm J, Tammeleht E, Keis M, Valdmann H, Saarma U. 2020. Ongoing recovery of a brown bear population from a century-old severe bottleneck: insights from population genetic and spatially explicit analyses. Conservation Genetics 21(1): 27-40.

3) Tull A, Moks E, Laurimaa L, Keis M, Süld K. 2020. Endoparasite infection hotspots in Estonian urban areas. Journal of Helminthology 94, e104, 1–9.

4) Iso‐Touru T, Huitu O, Tapio M, Kučinskienė J, Ulevičius A, Bukelskis E, Tirronen K, Fyodorov F, Panchenko D, Saarma U, Valdmann H, Kauhala K. 2020. Low genetic polymorphism in the re-introduced Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) population in Finland: implications for conservation. Mammal Research, 65: 331–338.

5) Valdmann H, Saarma U. 2020. Winter diet of wolf (Canis lupus) after the outbreak of African swine fever and under the severely reduced densities of wild boar (Sus scrofa). Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 2(31): 154–156.

6) Rannamäe E, Saarma U, Ärmpalu-Idvand A, Teasdale MD, Speller C. 2020. Retroviral analysis reveals the ancient origin of Kihnu native sheep in Estonia: implications for breed conservation. Scientific Reports 10:17340.

7) Kinkar L, Young ND, Sohn W-M, Stroehlein AJ, Korhonen PK, Gasser RB (2020) First record of a tandem-repeat region within the mitochondrial genome of Clonorchis sinensis using a long-read sequencing approach. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 14(8): e0008552.

8) Kinkar L, Korhonen PK, Wang D, Zhu X-Q, Chelomina GN, Wang T, RS Hall,

AV Koehler, I Harliwong, B Yang, JL Fink, ND Young, RB Gasser. 2020. Marked mitochondrial genetic variation in individuals and populations of the carcinogenic liver fluke Clonorchis sinensis. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 14(8): e0008480. pntd.0008480

9) Laurimäe T, Kronenberg PA, Alvarez Rojas CA, Ramp TW, Eckert J, Deplazes P (2020). Long-term (35 years) cryopreservation of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Parasitology 147, 1048–1054.


1) Laurimäe T, Kinkar L, Varcasia A, Dessi G, Sgroi G, D’Alessio N, Veneziano V, Saarma U. 2019. First detection of zoonotic tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato genotype G7 in continental Italy. Parasitology Research 118: 2193–2201.

2) Sgroi G, Varcasia A, Dessi G, D'Alessio N, Tamponi C, Saarma U, Laurimäe T, Kinkar L, Santoro M, Caputo V, Sarnelli P, Fusco G, Varuzza P, Fioretti A, Scala A, Veneziano V. 2019. Cystic echinococcosis in wild boars (Sus scrofa) from southern Italy: epidemiological survey and molecular characterization. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 9: 305-311.

3) Donfrancesco V, Ciucci P, Salvatori V, Benson D, Andersen LW, Bassi E, Blanco JC, Boitani L, Caniglia R, Canu A, Capitani C, Chapron G, Czarnomska S, Fabbri E, Galaverni M, Galov A, Gimenez O, Godinho R, Greco C, Hindrikson M, Huber D, Hulva P, Jedrzejewski W, Kusak J, Linnell J, Llaneza L, Lopez‐Bao JV, Männil P, Marucco F, Mattioli L, Milanesi P, Milliret C, Myslajek R, Ordiz A, Palacios Sanchez V, Pedersen HC, Pertoldi C, Pilot M, Randi E, Rodriguez A, Saarma U, Sand H, Scandura M, Stronen AV, Tsingarska E, Mukherjee N. 2019. Unravelling the Scientific Debate on How to Address Wolf‐Dog Hybridization in Europe. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7:175.

4) Kinkar L, Korhonen PK, Cai H, Gauci CG, Lightowlers MW, Saarma U, Jenkins DJ, Li J, Li J, Young ND, Gasser RB. 2019. Long-read sequencing reveals a 4.4 kb tandem repeat region in the mitogenome of Echinococcus granulosus (sensu stricto) genotype G1. Parasites & Vectors 12:238.

5) Laurimäe T, Kinkar L, Romig T, Umhang G, Casulli A, Omer RA, Sharbatkhori M, Mirhendi H, Ponce-Gordo F, Lazzarini LE, Soriano SV, Varcasia A, Rostami-Nejad M, Andresiuk V, Maravilla P, Gonzalez LM, Dybicz M, Gawor J, Šarkunas M, Šnabel V, Kuzmina T, Kia EB, Saarma U. 2019 Analysis of nad2 and nad5 enables reliable identification of genotypes G6 and G7 within the species complex Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 74:103941.

6) Keis M, Tammeleht E, Valdmann H, Saarma U. 2019. Ants in brown bear diet, and discovery of a new ant species for Estonia from brown bear scats. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 30(2): 112–119.

7) Selonen V, Remm J, Hanski IK, Henttonen H, Huitu O, Jokinen M, Korpimäki E, Mäkelä A, Sulkava R, Wistbacka R. 2019. Population fluctuations and spatial synchrony in an arboreal rodent. Oecologia, 191:861–871.


1) Anijalg P, Ho SYW, Davison J, Keis M, Tammeleht E, Bobowik K, Tumanov IL, Saveljev AP, Lyapunova EA, Vorobiev AA, Markov NI, Kryukov AP, Kojola I, Swenson JE, Hagen SB, Eiken HG, Paule L, Saarma U. 2018. Large-scale migrations of brown bears in Eurasia and to North America during the Late Pleistocene. Journal of Biogeography, 45, 394–405.

2) Tammeleht E, Kuuspu M. 2018. Effect of competition and landscape characteristics onmesocarnivore cohabitation in badger setts. Journal of Zoology, 305: 8–16.

3) Plumer L, Talvi T, Männil P, Saarma U. 2018. Assessing the roles of wolves and dogs in livestock predation with suggestions for mitigating human-wildlife conflict and conservation of wolves. Conservation Genetics, 19: 665–672.

4) Oja R, Pass E, Soe E, Ligi K, Anijalg P, Laurimaa L, Saarma U, Lõhmus A, Valdmann H. 2018. Increased nest predation near protected capercaillie leks: a caveat against small reserves. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 64: 6.

5) Schregel J*, Remm J*, Eiken HG, Swenson JE, Saarma U, Hagen SB. 2018. Multi-level patterns in population genetics: variogram series detects hidden isolation-by-distance-dominated structure of Scandinavian brown bears (Ursus arctos). Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9:1324–1334.‐210X.12980 *equal first authors

6) Lindman, L, Remm, J, Meister H, Tammaru, T. 2018. Host plant and habitat preference of Euphydryas maturna (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Melitaeinae): evidence from northern Europe. Ecological Entomology, 43: 102−113.

7) Kinkar L, Laurimäe T, Balkaya I, Casulli A, Zait H, Irshadullah M, Sharbatkhori M, Mirhendi H, Rostami Nejad M, Ponce-Gordo F, Rehbein S, Kia EB, Simsek S, Šnábel V, Umhang G, Varcasia A, Saarma U. 2018. Genetic diversity and phylogeography of the elusive, but epidemiologically important Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto genotype G3. Parasitology, 145: 1613–1622.

8) Kinkar L, Laurimäe T, Acosta-Jamett G, Andresiuk V, Balkaya I, Casulli A, Gasser RB, van der Giessen J, Gonzalez LM, Haag KL, Zait H, Irshadullah M, Jabbar A, Jenkins DJ, Kia EB, Manfredi MT, Mirhendi H, M’rad S, Rostami Nejad M, Oudni-M’rad M, Pierangeli NB, Ponce-Gordo F, Rehbein S, Sharbatkhori M, Simsek S, Soriano SV, Sprong H, Šnabel V, Umhang G, Varcasia A, Saarma U. 2018. Global phylogeography and genetic diversity of the zoonotic tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto genotype G1. International Journal for Parasitology, 48: 729–742.

9) Laurimäe T, Kinkar L, Moks E, Romig T, Omer RA, Casulli A, Umhang G, Bagrade G, Irshadullah M, Sharbatkhori M, Mirhendi H, Ponce-Gordo F, Soriano SV, Varcasia A, Rostami-Nejad M, Andresiuk V, Saarma U. 2018. Molecular phylogeny based on six nuclear genes suggests that Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato genotypes G6/G7 and G8/G10 can be regarded as two distinct species. Parasitology, 145: 1929–1937.

10) Laurimäe T, Kinkar L, Romig T, Omer RA, Casulli A, Umhang G, Gasser RB, Jabbar A , Sharbatkhori M, Mirhendi H, Ponce-Gordo F, Lazzarini LE, Soriano SV, Varcasia A, Rostami Nejad M, Andresiuk V, Maravilla P, Gonzalez LM, Dybicz M, Gawor J, Šarkunas M, Šnabel V, Kuzmina T and Saarma U. 2018. The benefits of analysing complete mitochondrial genomes: deep insights into the phylogeny and population structure of Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato genotypes G6 and G7. Infection, Genetics & Evolution, 64: 85-94.

11) Barlow A, Cahill JA, Hartmann S, Theunert C, Xenikoudakis G, Fortes GG, Paijmans JLA, Rabeder G, Frischauf C, Grandal-d'Anglade A, García-Vázquez A, Murtskhvaladze M, Saarma U, Anijalg P, Skrbinšek T, Bertorelle G, Gasparian B, Bar-Oz G, Pinhasi R, Slatkin M, Dalén L, Shapiro B, Hofreiter M. 2018. Partial genomic survival of cave bears in living brown bears. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2: 1563–1570.

12) Kinkar L, Laurimäe T, Acosta-Jamett G, Andresiuk V, Balkaya I, Casulli A, Gasser RB, González LM, Haag KL, Zait H, Irshadullah M, Jabbar A, Jenkins DJ, Manfredi MT, Mirhendi H, M’rad S, Rostami-Nejad M, Oudni-M’rad M, Pierangeli NB, Ponce-Gordo F, Rehbein S, Sharbatkhori M, Kia EB, Simsek S, Soriano SV, Sprong H, Šnábel V, Umhang G, Varcasia A, Saarma U. 2018. Distinguishing Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto genotypes G1 and G3 with confidence: A practical guide. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 64: 178-184.

13) Iacolina L, Pertoldi C, Amills M, Kusza S, Megens H-J, Balteanu VA, Bakan J, Cubric-Curic V, Oja R, Saarma U, Scandura M, Šprem N, Stronen AV. 2018. Hotspots of recent hybridization between pigs and wild boars in Europe. Scientific Reports 8:17372. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-35865-8,


1) Hindrikson M, Remm J, Pilot M, Godinho R, Stronen AV, Baltrūnaité L, Czarnomska SD, Leonard JA, Randi E, Nowak C, Åkesson M, López-Bao JV, Álvares F, Llaneza L, Echegaray J, Vilà C, Ozolins J, Rungis D, Aspi J, Paule L, Skrbinšek T, Saarma U. 2017. Wolf population genetics in Europe: a systematic review, meta-analysis and suggestions for conservation and management. Biological Reviews 92, 1601-1629.

2) Bautista C, Naves J, Revilla E, Fernández N, Albrecht J, Scharf AK, Rigg R, Karamanlidis AA, Jerina K, Huber D, Palazón S, Kont R, Ciucci P, Groff C, Dutsov A, Seijas J, Quenette P-I, Olszańska A, Shkvyria M, Adamec M, Ozolins J, Jonozovič M, Selva N. 2017. Patterns and correlates of claims for brown bear damage on a continental scale. Journal of Applied Ecology 54, 282–292.

3) Süld K, Saarma U, Valdmann H. 2017. Home ranges of raccoon dogs in managed and natural areas. PLoS ONE 12(3): e0171805.

4) Montana L, Caniglia R, Galaverni M, Fabbri E, Ahmed A, Černá Bolfíková B, Czarnomska SD, Galov A, Godinho R, Hindrikson M, Hulva P, Jędrzejewska B, Jelenčič M, Kutal M, Saarma U, Skrbinšek T, Randi E. 2017. Combining phylogenetic and demographic inferences to assess the origin of the genetic diversity in an isolated wolf population. PLoS ONE 12(5): e0176560.

5) Kinkar L, Laurimäe T, Sharbatkhori M, Mirhendi H, Kia EB, Ponce-Gordo F, Andresiuk V, Simsek S, Lavikainen A, Irshadullah M, Umhang G, Oudni-M’rad M, Acosta-Jamett G, Rehbein S, Saarma U. 2017. New mitogenome and nuclear evidence on the phylogeny and taxonomy of the highly zoonotic tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 52, 52-58.

6) Värv K, Ivanova A, Geller J, Remm J, Jaik K, Tikunova N, Rar V, Lundkvist Å, Golovljova I. 2017. Identification of I. ricinus, I. persulcatus and I. trianguliceps species by multiplex PCR. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 8, 235-240.

7) Soe E, Davison J, Süld K, Valdmann H, Laurimaa L, Saarma U. 2017. Europe-wide biogeographical patterns in the diet of an ecologically and epidemiologically important mesopredator, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes): a quantitative review. Mammal Review 47, 198–211.

8) Oja R, Velström K, Moks E, Jokelainen P, Lassen B. 2017. How does supplementary feeding affect endoparasite infection in wild boar? Parasitology Research 116, 2131–2137.

9) Süld K, Tammeleht E, Valdmann H, Saarma U. 2017. Severe impact of sarcoptic mange on the movements and space use for one of its most important vector species, the raccoon dog. Veterinary Parasitology 243, 67-70.

10) Oja R, Soe E, Valdmann H, Saarma U. 2017. Non-invasive genetics outperforms morphological methods in dietary analysis, revealing wild boar as a considerable conservation concern for ground-nesting birds. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0179463.

11) Hindrikson M, Möls M, Valdmann H. 2017. The patterns of wolf attacks on humans: an example from the 19th century European Russia. Baltic Forestry 23(2), 432-437.

12) Remm J, Hanski IK, Tuominen S, Selonen V. 2017. Multilevel landscape utilization of the Siberian flying squirrel: Scale effects on species habitat use. Ecology and Evolution 7, 8303–8315. doi:10.1002/ece3.3359


1) Laurimaa L, Süld K, Davison J, Moks E, Valdmann H, Saarma U. 2016. Alien species and their zoonotic parasites in native and introduced ranges: the raccoon dog example. Veterinary Parasitology, 219, 24–33.

2) Rannamäe E, Lõugas L, Niemi M, Kantanen J, Maldre L, Kadõrova N, Saarma U. 2016. Maternal and paternal genetic diversity of ancient sheep in Estonia from the Bronze Age to the Post-Medieval Period, and comparison with other regions in Eurasia. Animal Genetics, 47, 208-218.

3) Drygala F, Korablev N, Ansorge H, Fickel J, Isomursu M, Elmeros M, Kowalczyk R, Baltrunaite L, Balciauskas L, Saarma U, Schulze C, Borkenhagen P, Frantz AC. 2016. Homogenous population genetic structure of the non-native raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in Europe as a result of rapid population expansion. PLoS ONE 11(4): e0153098.

4) Laurimaa L, Moks E, Soe E, Valdmann H, Saarma U. 2016. Echinococcus multilocularis and other zoonotic parasites in red foxes in Estonia. Parasitology, 143, 1450–1458.

5) Iacolina L, Brajković V, Canu A, Šprem N, Cubric-Curik V, Fontanesi L, Saarma U, Apollonio M, Scandura M. 2016. Novel Y-chromosome short tandem repeats in Sus scrofa and their variation in European wild boar and domestic pig populations. Animal Genetics, 47, 682–690.

6) Plumer L, Keis M, Remm J, Hindrikson M, Jõgisalu I, Männil P, Kübarsepp M, Saarma U. 2016. Wolves recolonizing islands: genetic consequences and implications for conservation and management. PLoS ONE 11(7): e0158911. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0158911

7) Kinkar L, Laurimäe T, Simsek S, Balkaya I, Casulli A, Manfredi MT, Ponce-Gordo F, Varcasia A, Lavikainen A, Gonzalez LM, Rehbein S, van der Giessen J, Sprong H, Saarma U. 2016. High-resolution phylogeography of zoonotic tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto genotype G1 with an emphasis on its distribution in Turkey, Italy and Spain. Parasitology, 143, 1790–1801. doi:10.1017/S0031182016001530

8) Laurimäe T, Kinkar L, Andresiuk V, Haag KL, Ponce-Gordo F, Acosta-Jamett G, Garate T, Gonzalez LM, Saarma U. 2016. Genetic diversity and phylogeography of highly zoonotic Echinococcus granulosus genotype G1 in the Americas (Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico) based on 8279 bp of mtDNA. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 45, 290–296.

9) Rannamäe E, Lõugas L, Speller CF, Valk H, Maldre L, Wilczyński J, Mikhailov A, Saarma U. 2016. Three Thousand Years of Continuity in the Maternal Lineages of Ancient Sheep (Ovis aries) in Estonia. PLoS ONE 11(10): e0163676. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0163676


1) Laurimaa L, Davison J, Plumer L, Süld K, Oja R, Moks E, Keis M, Hindrikson M, Kinkar L, Laurimäe T, Abner J, Remm J, Anijalg P, Saarma U. 2015. Noninvasive detection of Echinococcus multilocularis tapeworm in urban area, Estonia. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 21: 163-164.

2) Marcinkute A, Šarkunas M, Moks E, Saarma U, Jokelainen P, Bagrade G, Laivacuma S, Strupas K, Sokolovas V, Deplazes P. 2015. Echinococcus infections in the Baltic region. Veterinary Parasitology, 213: 121-131.

3) Laurimaa L, Davison J, Süld K, Plumer L, Oja R, Moks E, Keis M, Hindrikson M, Kinkar L, Laurimäe T, Abner J, Remm J, Anijalg P, Saarma U. 2015. First report of highly pathogenic Echinococcus granulosus genotype G1 in dogs in European urban environment. Parasites & Vectors. 8:182.

4) Knapp J, Gottstein B, Saarma U, Millon L. 2015. Taxonomy, phylogeny and molecular epidemiology of Echinococcus multilocularis: from fundamental knowledge to health ecology. Veterinary Parasitology, 213: 85-91.

5) Leimann A, Knuuttila A, Maran T, Vapalahti O, Saarma U. 2015. Molecular epidemiology of Aleutian mink disease virus (AMDV) in Estonia, and a global phylogeny of AMDV. Virus Research, 199: 55-61.

6) Laurimaa L, Süld K, Moks E, Valdmann H, Umhang G, Knapp J, Saarma U. 2015. First report of the zoonotic tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis in raccoon dogs in Estonia, and comparisons with other countries in Europe. Veterinary Parasitology, 212: 200-2015.

7) Oja R, Zilmer K, Valdmann H. 2015. Spatiotemporal Effects of Supplementary Feeding of Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) on Artificial Ground Nest Depredation. PLoS ONE, 10(8): e0135254.

8) Lindman L, Remm J, Saksing K, Sõber V, Õunap E, Tammaru T. 2015. Lycaena dispar on its northern distribution limit: an expansive generalist. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 8: 3-16.

9) Knuuttila A, Aaltonen K, Virtala A-M K, Henttonen H, Isomursu M, Leimann A, Maran T, Saarma U, Timonen P, Vapalahti O, Sironen T. 2015. Aleutian mink disease virus in free‐ranging mustelids in Finland ‐ a cross‐sectional epidemiologic and phylogenetic study. Journal of General Virology, 96: 1423–1435.


1) Bidon T, Janke A, Fain SR, Eiken HG, Hagen SB, Saarma U, Hallström BM, Lecomte N, Hailer F. 2014. Brown and polar bear Y chromosomes reveal extensive male-biased gene flow within brother lineages. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 31 (6): 1353-1363.

2) Süld K, Valdmann H, Laurimaa L, Soe E, Davison J, Saarma U. 2014. An Invasive Vector of Zoonotic Disease Sustained by Anthropogenic Resources: The Raccoon Dog in Northern Europe. PLoS ONE 9(5): e96358.

3) Plumer L, Davison J, Saarma U. 2014. Rapid urbanization of red foxes in Estonia: distribution, behaviour, attacks on domestic animals, and health-risks related to zoonotic diseases. PLoS ONE 9(12): e115124.

4) Soon V, Budrys, E, Orlovskite S, Paukkunen J, Ødegaard F, Ljubomirov T, Saarma U. 2014. Testing the validity of Northern European species in the Chrysis ignita species group (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) with DNA Barcoding. Zootaxa, 3786 (3): 301–330.

5) Oja R, Kaasik A, Valdmann H. 2014. Winter severity or supplementary feeding - which matters more for wild boar? Acta Theriologica, 59: 553-559.

Artiklid (alates 2014)

1) Liivi Plumer, Urmas Saarma. 2014. Lammaste murdmised – kas neid saab kirjutada vaid huntide arvele? Postimees, Maaelu edendaja, 2(6): 12-13.

2) Liivi Plumer, Urmas Saarma. 2015. Linnarebased. Eesti Loodus, 66(1): 8-17.

3) Liivi Plumer, Urmas Saarma. 2015. Linnarebased 2. Kuidas me neisse suhtume? Eesti Loodus, 66(9): 16-21.

4) Ragne Oja, Harri Valdmann, Urmas Saarma. 2016. Metssiga – kas lindude kiskja või raipesööja? Eesti Jahimees, 4: 53-54.

5) Urmas Saarma. 2017. Hundist koeraks. Kodustamise lugu. Horisont, 51(5): 44-50.

6) Urmas Saarma. 2017. Hundi kodustamise võimalikud põhjused. Kas ka toiduks? Horisont, 51(6): 32-35.

7) Egle Soe, Ragne Oja, Maret Kaljulaid, Harri Valdmann, Urmas Saarma, Karl Ligi, Hardi Tullus. 2017. Kiskjatel, aga ka metsseal on väga oluline roll metsise suremuses. Eesti Mets, 51(4): 40-45.

8) Maris Hindrikson, Urmas Saarma. 2018. Kuidas läheb hundil Euroopas? Eesti Loodus, 69(4): 12-18.

9) Ester Oras, Jaanika Anderson, Riina Rammo, Mari Tõrv, Lehti Saag, Signe Vahur, Eve Rannamäe, Anu Teearu-Ojakäär, Raija Katarina Heikkilä, Freydis Ehrlich, Martin Malve, Mait Metspalu, Maarja Mölder, Pilleriin Peets, Sünne Remmer, Ragnar Saage, Urmas Saarma, Argo Selin, Kristiina Tambets. 2018. Muumiapalavik Tartu Ülikoolis. Tutulus: Eesti arheoloogia aastakiri, 7: 11−15.

10) Egle, Tammeleht, Anne Kull, Maarja Kuuspu, Katri Pärna. 2018. Mägra ja karu korterid: kas kindel kants ja varjupaik? Eesti Loodus, 11, 12−19.

11) Maris Kruuse, Tõnu Oja, Ragne Oja, Peeter Anijalg, Urmas Saarma, Harri Valdmann, Harri. 2019. Kaelustatud põtrade liikumisuuring Tallinn-Tartu maantee Kose-Mäo lõigus. Biogeograafia 45, 55-68 (toimetajad Laanisto, Lauri; Hiiesalu, Inga; Öpik, Maarja; Vanatoa, Alo; Tinn, Oive; Kull, Kalevi). Kirjastus: Eesti Looduseuurijate selts.

12) Maris Kruuse, Ragne Oja, Peeter Anijalg, Urmas Saarma, Harri Valdmann, Tõnu Oja. 2019. Geograafid koos zooloogidega metsas ehk mida uut oleme teada saanud Kose-Mäo põtrade liikumisuuringust? Uurimusi eestikeelse geograafia 100. aastapäeval 4, 354-351 (toimetajad Pae, Taavi; Mander, Ülo). Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus.

13) Urmas Saarma. 2019. Karusnahk võib selle kandjat mürgitada. Postimees. Arvamus

14) Helen Arusoo, Triin Edovald, Maris Hindrikson, Mati Kaal, Kairi Kiik, Laura Kiiroja, Kalevi Kull, Marko Kübarsepp, Riin Magnus, Tiit Maran, Peep Männil, Liivi Plumer, Urmas Saarma, Egle Tammeleht, Margo Tannik, Tõnu Traks, Aleksei Turovski. 2020. Avalik kiri Eesti loodusteadlastelt karusloomafarmide keelustamiseks Eestis

15) Urmas Saarma, Harri Valdmann, Agnes Putnik, Egle Tammeleht. 2020. Šaakal ja rebane kui oht rannaniitude lindudele: kas kutsume hundi tagasi? Eesti Jahimees, 266 (5), 26−31.

16) Saarma U, Valdmann H. 2020. Küttimise mõju. Millised on maaspesitsevate lindude kaitsmise võimalused? Eesti Jahimees, 266(5): 32.

17) Saarma, Urmas. 2021. Karusloomafarmid kui COVID-19 leviku tõsine riskifaktor ERR arvamus.

18) Egle Tammeleht. 2021. Karud on ärkamas. Mesinik, 1, 17.

19) Maris Hindrikson, Harri Valdmann, Egle Tammeleht 2022. Kaitstud olgu nii karud kui tarud. Mesinik, 124 (2), 12−15.

20) Egle Tammeleht. 2022. Pruunkaru eluolu. Eesti Loodus, 7 (1), 20-25.

21) Egle Tammeleht. 2022. Miks on mesikäppade käpad nii mesised? Eesti Loodus, 73 (5), 30−35.

22) Maris Hindrikson, Jaanus Remm. 2022. Suurkiskjad vajavad inimestevahelist mõistmist ja koostööd. Eesti Loodus, 73 (5), 20-28.

23) Egle Tammeleht, Harri Valdmann, Maris Hindrikson. 27.05.2022. Kas suurenevad kiskjakahjustused kujundavad inimeste suhtumist meie kiskjatesse? Maaleht…

24) Maris Hindrikson, Egle Tammeleht. 17.05.2022. Avalik arvamus jätab jälje suurkiskjate arvukusele. ERR Novaator…

25) Maris Hindrikson, Egle Tammeleht, Harri Valdmann.12.12.2022. Eesti suurkiskjate seires on aeg üle minna tegelikule teaduspõhisusele Postimees…

26) Maris Hindrikson, Egle Tammeleht, Harri Valdmann. 11.10.2023. Kas pürgime kliimaneutraalse ja ulukivaba Eesti poole? Postimees.…


Kalle Remm, Jaanus Remm, Ants Kaasik. 2012. Ruumiliste loodusandmete statistiline analüüs. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Ökoloogia ja maateaduste instituut.

Epp Moks, Jaanus Remm, Oliver Kalda, Harri Valdmann. 2015. Eesti Imetajad. 280 lk. Kirjastus Varrak, sari "Roheline Eesti". Vaata ka ETV saadet Kirjandusministeerium, kus 29. septembri (2015) saates seda raamatut tutvustati. Kes kogu saadet ei viitsi vaadata, siis Eesti imetajate raamatust on juttu minutitel 15.30-20.15. Kirjandusminister Mart Juur paneb vaatajatele südamele, et kes loeb, see jõuab. Sügishooaja esimene "Kirjandusministeerium" suundub koos Olavi Ruitlasega vee peale, koos Totu ja Hardo Pajulaga Kuu peale, koos Billeneevega lugemisnurka ja seejärel põikab läbi eesti imetajate juurest.

Jaanus Remm, Oliver Kalda, Harri Valdmann, Epp Moks. 2015. Eesti imetajad. Liikide tundmaõppimise teejuht. 157 lk. Tartu Ülikooli ökoloogia- ja maateaduste instituut.…

Peatükid monograafiates:

Harri Valdmann, Mihhail Vaisfeld, Jevgeni Matjushkin. 2003. Rõs v Estonii. In: Regionalnõe osobennosti ekologii, ispolzovanie i ohranõ. (91−104). Moscow: Nauka.

Valik suulisi ettekandeid alates 2014 (tumedas kirjas meie töörühma liikmed, esineja nimi on alla joonitud)

  1. Ettekanne: Urmas Saarma. Mets- ja koduloomad ning nende patogeenid – on meil pääsu? Eesti Inimesegeneetika Ühingu aastakonverents, 23.-24. oktoober 2014, Otepää Gümnaasium.
  2. Ettekanne: Peeter Anijalg, John Davison, Jaanus Remm, Marju Keis, Egle Tammeleht and Urmas Saarma. PHYLOGEOGRAPHY OF THE BROWN BEAR (URSUS ARCTOS) IN EURASIA. 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “DYNAMICS OF GAME ANIMALS POPULATIONS IN NORTHERN EUROPE” 31 March– 4 April, 2014 Kirkkolahti, «Black Stones» Tourist Centre, Republic of Karelia, Russia.
  3. Ettekanne: Karmen Süld, Harri Valdmann, John Davison, Urmas Saarma. RACCOON DOG (NYCTEREUTES PROCYONOIDES) DIET IN ESTONIA: THE IMPACT OF SARCOPTIC MANGE AND WILD BOAR FEEDING SITES. 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “DYNAMICS OF GAME ANIMALS POPULATIONS IN NORTHERN EUROPE” 31 March– 4 April, 2014 Kirkkolahti, «Black Stones» Tourist Centre, Republic of Karelia, Russia.
  4. Ettekanne: Peeter Anijalg, Marju Keis, John Davison, Egle Tammeleht, Urmas Saarma. Brown bear phylogeography in Eurasia, and post LGM colonisation of North America. 23RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BEAR RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT Thessaloniki, Greece, 05 – 11 October 2014.
  5. Ettekanne: Urmas Saarma. Major migrations of brown bears in Eurasia and to North-America during the last 40 thousand years, and overview of wolf-dog hybrids in Europe. Suomen Nisäkästieteen Päivät 20.-22.11.2014 Lammin biologinen asema, Finland.
  6. Ettekanne: Urmas Saarma “Ancient and contemporary processes in mammal populations, and problems related to zoonotic diseases”. 2.12.2014, Vairao, University of Porto, Portugal.
  7. Ettekanne: Peeter Anijalg, Marju Keis, John Davison, Egle Tammeleht, Urmas Saarma. BROWN BEAR (URSUS ARCTOS) PHYLOGEOGRAPHY IN EURASIA AND POST LGM COLONISATION OF NORTH AMERICA. 9th BALTIC THERIOLOGICAL CONFERENCE, Daugavpils, 16 – 18 October, 2014.
  9. Ettekanne: Marju Keis, Egle Tammeleht, Harri Valdmann, Ants-Johannes Martin, Ave Lind, Peep Männil, Urmas Saarma. ANT SPECIES COMPOSITION IN DIET OF ESTONIAN BROWN BEARS. 9th BALTIC THERIOLOGICAL CONFERENCE, Daugavpils, 16 – 18 October, 2014.
  10. Ettekanne: Egle Soe, Urmas Saarma, Harri Valdmann, Karmen Süld, John Davison, Ants Kaasik. THE DIET OF THE RED FOX (VULPES VULPES) IN ESTONIA AND IN EUROPE. 9th BALTIC THERIOLOGICAL CONFERENCE, Daugavpils, 16 – 18 October, 2014.
  11. Ettekanne: Epp Moks, Leidi Laurimaa, Karmen Süld, Egle Soe, Harri Valdmann, Urmas Saarma. PARASITES OF RACCOON DOG (NYCTEREUTES PROCYONOIDES) IN ESTONIA. 9th BALTIC THERIOLOGICAL CONFERENCE, Daugavpils, 16 – 18 October, 2014.
  12. Ettekanne: Karmen Süld, Harri Valdmann, John Davison, Urmas Saarma. DIET AND PARASITES OF AN INTRODUCED SPECIES RACCOON DOG IN ESTONIA. 9th BALTIC THERIOLOGICAL CONFERENCE, Daugavpils, 16 – 18 October, 2014.
  13. Ettekanne: Urmas Saarma, Maris Hindrikson, Liivi Plumer. WOLF-DOG HYBRIDS IN EUROPE. 9th BALTIC THERIOLOGICAL CONFERENCE, Daugavpils, 16 – 18 October, 2014.
  15. Seminariettekanne: Urmas Saarma. Ancient brown bear migrations across Eurasia and to North-America during the last 40 thousand years. Geenid ja arheoloogia; seminaripäev 12.02.2015, Tartu.
  16. Ettekanne: Leidi Laurimaa, Karmen Süld, Urmas Saarma. FIRST REPORT OF ECHINOCOCCUS MULTILOCULARIS INFECTION IN RACCOON DOGS IN ESTONIA. The 6th Conference of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology - April 23-24, 2015, Uppsala, Sweden.
  17. Ettekanne: Liina Kinkar, Teivi Laurimäe, Urmas Saarma. GENETIC DIVERSITY AND PHYLOGENETIC STRUCTURE OF ECHINOCOCCUS GRANULOSUS GENOTYPE G1 IN EUROPE. The 6th Conference of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology - April 23-24, 2015, Uppsala, Sweden.
  18. Ettekanne: Urmas Saarma. Parallel migrations in brown bears and humans within Eurasia and into North America during the Late Pleistocene. Conference on Conservation Genomics, 3 – 6 May 2016, Campus de Vairão, Portugal
  19. Ettekanne: Urmas Saarma. Cystic echinococcosis and genotypes of Echinococcus granulosus in humans, domestic- and wild animals in Europe. EMOP XII - the 12th European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Turku, Finland, 20–24 July 2016.
  20. Ettekanne: Liina Kinkar, Teivi Laurimäe, Urmas Saarma. Phylogeny and taxonomy of Echinococcus granulosus complex: genotypes G1-G3 and G6-G7. EMOP XII - the 12th European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Turku, Finland, 20–24 July 2016.
  21. Ettekanne: Leidi Laurimaa, Karmen Süld, John Davison, Epp Moks, Harri Valdmann, Urmas Saarma. Parasite fauna of raccoon dog in its native and introduced ranges. EMOP XII - the 12th European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Turku, Finland, 20–24 July 2016.
  22. Ettekanne: Urmas Saarma. Brief overview of Estonian brown bears and our bear studies. BEARCONNECT. Functional connectivity and ecological sustainability of European ecological networks – A case study with the brown bear. First project workshop. Bucharest 20-22 March 2017.
  23. Ettekanne: Teivi Laurimäe, Liina Kinkar, Urmas Saarma. Taxonomy of Echinococcus: new evidence suggests that genotypes G6/G7 can be regarded as a separate species from genotypes G8/G10. X Baltic Theriological Conference 27 – 30 September 2017, Tartu, Estonia.
  24. Ettekanne: Liina Kinkar, Teivi Laurimäe, Urmas Saarma. New mitogenome and nuclear evidence on the phylogeny and taxonomy of the highly zoonotic tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto. X Baltic Theriological Conference 27 – 30 September 2017, Tartu, Estonia.
  25. Ettekanne: Tull A, Moks E, Saarma U. Hazardous zoonoses transmitted by dogs in Estonia. X Baltic Theriological Conference 27 – 30 September 2017, Tartu, Estonia.
  26. Ettekanne: Maris Hindrikson, Jaanus Remm, Urmas Saarma. Wolf population genetics in Europe: meta-analysis and suggestions for conservation and management. X Baltic Theriological Conference 27 – 30 September 2017, Tartu, Estonia.
  27. Ettekanne: Liivi Plumer, Urmas Saarma. Wolf-dog hybridization in the Baltic States. X Baltic Theriological Conference 27 – 30 September 2017, Tartu, Estonia.
  28. Ettekanne: Saarma U. New mitochondrial markers. OneHealthEJP MEME meeting, 5-6.02.2020 Nancy, France.
  29. Ettekanne: Saarma U. NGS-based method. OneHealthEJP MEME meeting, 5-6.02.2020 Nancy, France.
  30. Ettekanne: Urmas Saarma. Endoparasite prevalence and infection risk factors among cats in an animal shelter in Estonia. University of Zurich, Institute of Parasitology (13.04.2021)
  31. Ettekanne (Keynote Lecture): Urmas Saarma. Echinococcus parasites: from correct identification to global phylogeography. 9th Conference of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology: Parasites in a Changing World. 21-23.04.2021 (virtual conference; Organised by Nature Research Centre and Young Academy of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, in Vilnius, Lithuania). Ettekanne peetud 22.04.2021 virtuaalselt (varem Zoomis salvestatud ettekanne mängiti ette, aga küsimustele vastamine toimus reaalajas)
  32. Ettekanne: Teivi Laurimäe, Liina Kinkar, Urmas Saarma. Genetic diversity of Echinococcus canadensis genotypes G8 and G10 based on complete mitochondrial genomes. International Congresses of Parasitology – ICOPA XV, Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-26 August 2022.
  33. Ettekanne (Plenary Lecture): Urmas Saarma. Impact of jackals, foxes and free-ranging dogs on ground nesting birds and dissemination of zoonotic parasites. The 81st International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, “Zoology and Animal Ecology”, Riga, 25.01.2023
  34. Plenaarettekanne: Urmas Saarma. Major parasitic zoonoses of the past: new insights with modern methods. 10th Conference of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology (CSBSP10); Theme: Parasites and hosts in shared environment; 06.-07.06.2023 Tartu, Estonia.
  35. Ettekanne: Ants Tull, Harri Valdmann, Egle Tammeleht, Triin Kaasiku, Riinu Rannap, Urmas Saarma. High overlap of zoonotic helminths between wild mammalian predators and rural dogs – an emerging One Health concern? 10th Conference of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology (CSBSP10); Theme: Parasites and hosts in shared environment; 06.-07.06.2023 Tartu, Estonia.
  36. Ettekanne: Teivi Laurimäe, Liina Kinkar, Epp Moks, Guna Bagrade, Urmas Saarma. Exploring the genetic diversity of genotypes G8 and G10 of the Echinococcus canadensis cluster in Europe based on complete mitochondrial genomes. 10th Conference of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology (CSBSP10); Theme: Parasites and hosts in shared environment; 06.-07.06.2023 Tartu, Estonia.
  37. Plenaarettekanne: Teivi Laurimäe. Genetics of Echinococcus – past, present, future. Lessons learned and future perspectives. XXIX World Congress on Echinococcosis; 28-30.08.2023, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Intervjuud ja kommentaarid

1) Priit Ennet, Urmas Saarma. 2014. Linnarebased. Intervjuu Priit Ennetile; raadiosaade Labor (9.02.2014).

2) Priit Ennet, Urmas Saarma. 2014. Rebaste parasiidid. Intervjuu Priit Ennetile; raadiosaade Labor (27.07.2014).

3) Priit Ennet, Urmas Saarma. 26.01.2014. Kes murdis lamba? Intervjuu Priit Ennetile; Vikerraadio raadiosaade Labor.

4) Toomas Jüriado, Liivi Plumer, Urmas Saarma. 2016. Linnarebased. Intervjuu Toomas Jüriadole. Loodusajakiri 2015-01-29

5) Toomas Jüriado, Liivi Plumer. 2016. Inimeste suhtumine linnarebastesse. Intervjuu Toomas Jüriadole. Loodusajakiri 2015-10-22

6) Villu Päärt, Urmas Saarma. 2016. Jäle parasiit jõuab Eesti inimesteni järjest sagedamini. Kommentaarid Villu Päärtile. Eesti Ekspress

7) Toomas Jüriado, Urmas Saarma. 2017. „Hundist koeraks. Kodustamise lugu 1“. Intervjuu Toomas Jüriadole. Loodusajakiri 2017-11-02

8) Toomas Jüriado, Urmas Saarma. 2017. „Hundist koeraks. Kodustamise lugu 2“. Intervjuu Toomas Jüriadole. Loodusajakiri 2017-11 -09

9) Kaur Maran, Urmas Saarma. 2017. Eesti metsades levinud paeluss hirmutab soomlasi. Kommentaarid Kaur Maranile. Postimees. Teadus.

10) Toomas Jüriado, Maris Hindrikson, Urmas Saarma. 2018. „Kuidas läheb hundil Euroopas?“. Intervjuu Toomas Jüriadole. Loodusajakiri 2018-04-26

11) Egle Tammeleht. 08.11.2018. Mägra ja karu talvekorteritest. Intervjuu Kuku raadio saates "Loodusajakiri".

12) Egle Tammeleht. 05.12.2018. Karu ei käi mesipuus vaid mee pärast. Zooloogid 2.0, blogi.

13) Priit Ennet, Urmas Saarma, Peeter Anijalg, Liina Kinkar ja Teivi Laurimäe. 23-09.2018. Koopakaru ja paeluss. Intervjuu Priit Ennetile; raadiosaade Labor

14) Priit Ennet, Urmas Saarma. 27.10.2019. Karud ja vaksikud. Intervjuu Priit Ennetile; raadiosaade Labor.

15) Egle Tammeleht. 17.11.2019. Mesindus koos karudega. Ettekanne Eesti mesinike sügisestel teabepäevadel

16) Egle Talleleht. 07.11.2021. Karu vastu aitab kõige paremini elektrifitseeritud aed. ERR intervjuu

17) Egle Tammeleht. 25.10.2021. Esinemine ERR saates "Siin me oleme". Karujaht karukahjude vastu ei aita.

18) Egle Tammeleht. 14.11.2020. Karud ja mesindus Eestis. Ettekanne Eesti mesinike sügisestel teabepäevadel.

19) Egle Tammeleht. 14.01.2022. Loodusajakiri: aasta loom - pruunkaru. Intervjuu Kuku raadios.

20) Priit Ennet, Saarma U, Tull A. 13.03.2022. Koerte kõhuussid. Intervjuu Priit Ennetile; raadiosaade Labor.

21) Egle Tammeleht. 26.03.2022. Mesikäppade magusatest käppadest. Ettekanne Eesti mesinike kevadistel teabepäevadel.

22) Egle Tammeleht. 16.05.2022. Esinemine ERR-i saates "Osoon".

23) Egle Tammeleht.14.06.2022. Loodusõhtu "Karu – meie igipõline naaber".Loodusfesivali ettekanne Tartu Ülikooli loodusmuuseumis.

24) Maris Hindrikson. 24. 11.2022. Suurkiskjad. Elva Looduskaitse Seltsi ettekanne.

25) Maris Hindrikson. 16.02.2023. Hunt, Eesti rahvusloom. Ettekanne Tartu Toome Rotary Klubi liikmetele.

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