Teaduspublikatsioonid loomaökoloogidelt

Scientific publications

Siin on alguses rahvusvahelised teadusartiklid, alla kerides leiate muid teaduslikke kirjutusi kohalikes väljaannetes

Rahvusvahelised teadusartiklid / International papers

  • Kangassalo, K.; Valtonen, T.M.; Sorvari, J.; Kecko, S.; Polkki, M.; Krams, I.; Krama, T.; Rantala, M.J. 2018. Independent and interactive effects of immune activation and larval diet on adult immune function, growth and development in the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31: 1485–1497. 
  • Urvik, J.; Rattiste, K.; Giraudeau, M.; Okuliarová, M.; Hõrak, P.; Sepp, T. 2018. Age-specific patterns of maternal investment in common gull egg yolk. – Biology Letters 14: 20180346.
  • Giraudeau, M.; Sepp, T.; Ujvari, B.; Ewald, P.W.; Thomas, F. 2018. Human activities might influence oncogenic processes in wild animal populations. – Nature Ecology & Evolution 2: 1065–1070.
  • Timm, K.; Mägi, M.; Telve, K.; Tilgar, V. (2018). The behavioural response of Great Tits to novel environment and handling is affected by the DRD4 gene. Ibis 161: 91-100.
  • Krams, I.; Trakimas, G.; Kecko, S.; Elferts, D.; Krams, R.; Luoto, S.; Rantala, M.J.; Mänd, M.; Kuusik, A.; Kekäläinen, J.; Jõers, P.; Kortet, R.; Krama, T. 2018. Linking organismal growth, coping styles, stress reactivity, and metabolism via responses against a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor in an insect. – Scientific Reports 8: 8599.
  • Krams, I.;  Rantala, M.J.; Luoto, S.; Krama, T. 2018. Fat is not just an energy store. – Journal of Experimental Biology (in press).
  • Lodjak, J.; Mägi, M. 2018. Insulin-like growth factor 1 relieves the constraints on the growth of young wild passerines. – Ibis 160: 688-692.
  • Samplonius, JM; Bartošová, L; Burgess, M; Bushuev, A Eeva, T; Ivankina, E; Kerimov, A; Krams, I; Laaksonen, T; Mägi, M; Mänd, R; Potti, J; Török, J; Trnka, M; Visser, M; Zang, H; Both, C. 2018. Phenological sensitivity to climate change is higher in resident than in migrant bird populations among European cavity breeders. – Global Change Biology : 1-11.
  • Timm, K.; Kees Van Oers, K.;  Tilgar, V. 2018. SERT gene polymorphisms are associated with risk-taking behaviour and breeding parameters in wild great tits. – Journal of Experimental Biology 221: jeb171595. . doi: 10.1242/jeb.171595.
  • Luoto, S.; Karlsson, H.; Krams, I.; Rantala, M.J. 2018. Depression subtyping based on evolutionary psychiatry: From reactive short-term mood change to depression. –  Brain, Behavior and Immunity 69: 630. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2017.12.002.
  • Senar, J.C., Garamszegi, L.Z., Tilgar, V., Biard, C., Moreno-Rueda, G.,  Salmón, P., Rivas, J.M., Sprau, P., Dingemanse, N.J., Charmantier, A., Demeyrier, V.,  Navalpotro, H.,  Isaksson, C. 2018. Urban great tits (Parus major) show higher distress calling and pecking rates than rural birds across Europe. – Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5:163.
  • Forsman, J.T.; Seppänen, J.-T.; Mönkkönen, M.; Thomson, R.L.; Kivelä, S.M; Krams, I.; Loukola, O.J. 2018. Is it interspecific information use or aggression between putative competitors that steers the selection of nest-site characteristics? A reply to Slagsvold and Wiebe. - Journal of Avian Biology 49: jav-01558. doi:10.1111/jav.01558
  • Sepp, T.; McGraw, K.J.; Kaasik, A.; Giraudeau, M. 2018. A review of urban impacts on avian life-history evolution: Does city living lead to slower pace of life? – Global Change Biology 24: 1452-1469. doi:10.1111/gcb.13969
  • ​Tätte, K.; Møller, A.P.; Mänd, R. 2018. Towards an integrated view of escape decisions in birds: relation between flight initiation distance and distance fled. – Animal Behaviour 136: 75-86.
  • Rantala, M.J.; Luoto, S.; Krams, I.; Karlsson, H. 2018. Depression subtyping based on evolutionary psychiatry: Proximate mechanisms and ultimate functions. –  Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 69: 603-617.
  • Skrinda, I., Krama, T.,Kecko, S., Moore, F.R., Kaasik, A,, Meija, L., Lietuvietis, V., Rantala, M.J., Krams, I. 2014. Body height, immunity, facial and vocal attractiveness in young men. – Naturwissenschaften 101: 1017-1025. DOI: 10.1007/s00114-014-1241-8
  • Krams, I.A., Skrinda, I., Kecko, S., Moore, F.R., Krama, T., Kaasik, A,, Meija, L., Lietuvietis, V., Rantala, M.J. 2014. Body height affects the strength of immune response in young men, but not young women. –  Scientific Reports 4: 6223. DOI: 10.1038/srep06223
  • Møller, A.P; Adriaensen, F.; Artemyev, A.; Bańbura, J.; Barba, E.; Biard, C.; Blondel, J.; Bouslama, Z.; Bouvier, J.-C.; Camprodon, J.; Cecere, F.; Charmantier, A.; Charter, M.; Cichoń, M.; Cusimano, C.; Czeszczewik, D.; Doligez, B.; Doutrelant, C.; Eens, M.; Eeva, T.; Faivre, B.; Peter N. Ferns, P.N.; Forsman, J.T.; Garcia-del-Rey, E.; Goldshtein, A.;  Goodenough, A.E.; Gosler, A.G.; Goźdź, I.; Gregoire, A.; Gustafsson, L.; Hartley, I.R.; Heeb, P.; Hinsley, S.A.; Isenmann, P.; Jacob, S.; Järvinen, A.; Juškaitis, R.; Korpimäki, E.; Krams, I.; Laaksonen, T.; Leclercq, B.; Lehikoinen, E.; Loukola, O.; Lundberg, A.; Mainwaring, M.C.;  Mänd, R.; Massa, B.; Mazgajski, T.D.; Merino, S.; Mitrus, C.; Mönkkönen, M.; Morales, J.; Morin, X.; Nager, R.G.; Nilsson, J.- Å.; Nilsson, S.G.;  Norte, A.C.; Orell, M.; Perret, P.; Pimentel, C.S.; Pinxten, R.; Priedniece, I.; Quidoz, M.-C.; Remeš, V.; Richner, H.; Diez, H.R.; Rytkönen, S.; Senar, J.C.; Seppänen, J.T.;  da Silva, L.P.;  Slagsvold, T.; Solonen, T.; Sorace, A.; Stenning, M.J.; Török, J.; Tryjanowski, P.;  van Noordwijk, A.J.; von Numers, M.; Walankiewicz, W.; Lambrechts, M.M. 2014. Variation in clutch size in relation to nest size in birds. –  Ecology and Evolution 4: 3583–3595. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12160
  • Meitern, R., Andreson, R., Hõrak, P. 2014 Whole blood gene expression profile following an immune stimulation in a wild passerine. –  BMC Genomics 15: 533. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-533
  • Freeberg, T.M., Krama, T., Vrublevska, J., Krams, I., Kullberg, C. 2014. Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor) Risk-Sensitive Foraging and Calling in the Face of Threat. –  Animal Cognition 17:1341–1352. DOI: 10.1007/s10071-014-0770-z
  • Sild, E.; Meitern, R.; Männiste, M.; Karu, U.; Hõrak, P. 2014. High feather corticosterone indicates better coccidian infection resistance in greenfinches. – General and Comparative Endocrinology 204: 203–210. DOI: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2014.05.026
  • Kilk, K., Meitern, R., Härmson, O., Soomets, U. & Hõrak, P. 2014. On the assessment of oxidative stress in serum by the d-ROMs test. – Free Radical Research 48: 883-889. DOI: 10.3109/10715762.2014.919390
  • Sepp, T., Männiste, M., Kaasik, A. & Hõrak, P. 2014. Multidimensionality of fear in captive greenfinches (Carduelis chloris). – Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68:1173–1181. DOI: 10.1007/s00265-014-1728-5
  • Männiste, M. & Hõrak, P. 2014. Emerging infectious disease selects for darker plumage coloration in greenfinches. – Frontiers in  Ecology and Evolution 2: 4. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2014.00004
    doi: 10.3389/fevo.2014.00004
    doi: 10.3389/fevo.2014.00004
    2:4. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2014.0000
  • Krams, I.A; Vrublevska, J.; Sepp, T.; Abolins-Abols, M.; Rantala, M.J.; Mierauskas, P.; Krama, T. 2014. Sex-specific associations between nest defence, exploration and breathing rate in breeding pied flycatchers. – Ethology  120: 492–501. DOI: 10.1111/eth.12222
  • Møller, A.P; Adriaensen, F.; Artemyev, A.; Bańbura, J.; Barba, E.; Biard, C.; Blondel, J.; Bouslama, Z.; Bouvier, J.-C.; Camprodon, J.; Cecere, F.; Chaine, A.; Charmantier, A.; Charter, M.; Cichoń, M.; Cusimano, C.; Czeszczewik, D.; Doligez, B.; Doutrelant, C.; Dubiec, A.; Eens, M.; Eeva, T.; Faivre, B.; Peter N. Ferns, P.N.; Forsman, J.T.; Garcia-del-Rey, E.; Goldshtein, A.;  Goodenough, A.E.; Gosler, A.G.; Goźdź, I.; Gregoire, A.; Gustafsson, L.; Hartley, I.R.; Heeb, P.; Hinsley, S.A.; Isenmann, P.; Jacob, S.; Järvinen, A.; Juškaitis, R.; Kania, W.; Korpimäki, E.; Krams, I.; Laaksonen, T.; Leclercq, B.; Lehikoinen, E.; Loukola, O.; Lundberg, A.; Mainwaring, M.C.;  Mänd, R.; Massa, B.; Mazgajski, T.D.; Merino, S.; Mitrus, C.; Mönkkönen, M.; Morales-Fernaz, J.; Moreno, J.; Morin, X.; Nager, R.G.; Nilsson, J.- Å.; Nilsson, S.G.;  Norte, A.C.; Orell, M.; Perret, P.; Perrins, C.M.; Pimentel, C.S.; Pinxten, R.; Priedniece, I.; Quidoz, M.-C.; Remeš, V.; Richner, H.; Diez, H.R.; Russell, A.; Rytkönen, S.; Senar, J.C.; Seppänen, J.T.;  da Silva, L.P.;  Slagsvold, T.; Solonen, T.; Sorace, A.; Stenning, M.J.; Török, J.; Tryjanowski, P.;  van Noordwijk, A.J.; von Numers, M.; Walankiewicz, W.; Lambrechts, M.M. 2014. Clutch size variation in Western Palearctic secondary hole-nesting passerine birds in relation to nest box design. – Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5: 353–362. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12160
  • Ruuskanen, S., Laaksonen, T., Morales, J., Moreno, J., Mateo, R., Belskii, E., Bushuev, A., Järvinen, A., Kerimov, A., Krams, I., Morosinotto, C., Mänd, R., Orell, M., Qvarnström, A., Slater, F., Tilgar, V., Visser, M.E., Winkel, W., Zang, H., Eeva, T. 2014. Large-scale geographical variation in eggshell metal and calcium content in a passerine bird (Ficedula hypoleuca).  Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21: 3304-3317. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-013-2299-0
  • Krams, I., Krama, T., Moore, F.R., Kivleniece, I., Kuusik, A.,  Freeberg, T.M., Mänd, R.,  Rantala, M.J., Daukšte, J., Mänd, M. 2014. Male mealworm beetles increase resting metabolic rate under terminal investment. – Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27: 541–550. DOI: 10.1111/jeb.12318
  • Moks, K.,Tilgar, V. 2014. Increasing the perceived predation risk changes parental care in female, but not male, Great Tits Parus major. – Ibis 156: 452–456. DOI: 10.1111/ibi.12113
  • Krams, I., Vrublevska, J., Koosa, K., Krama, T.,  Mierauskas, P., Markus J. Rantala, M.J., Tilgar, V. 2014. Hissing calls improve survival in incubating female great tits (Parus major). – Acta Ethologica 17:83–88. DOI: 10.1007/s10211-013-0163-3
  • Arlet, M.E., Isbell, L.A., Molleman, F., Kaasik, A., Chancellor, R.L., Chapman, C.A., Mänd, R., Carey, J.R.  2014.  Maternal Investment and Infant Survival in Gray-cheeked Mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena). – International Journal of Primatology  35: 476-490. DOI: 10.1007/s10764-014-9754-8
  • Krams, I., Kivleniece, I., Kuusik, A., Krama, T., Freeberg, T.M., Mänd, R., Rantala, M.J.,  Mänd, M. 2014. High repeatability of anti-predator responses and resting metabolic rate in a beetle. – Journal of Insect Behavior 27: 57–66. DOI: 10.1007/s10905-013-9408-2
  • Lodjak, J., Mägi, M., Tilgar, V. 2014. IGF-1 and growth rate in nestlings of a wild passerine bird. – Functional Ecology  28: 159–166. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12164
  • Loukola, O.J., Forsman, J.T., Seppänen, J.-T., Krams, I., Torvinen, S.S. 2013. Observed tutor fitness may drive niche convergence and divergence in competing species via selective social information use. – American Naturalist 182: 474-483. DOI: 10.1086/671815
  • Hõrak, P., Männiste, M., Meitern, R., Sild, E., Saks, L., Sepp, T. 2013. Dexamethasone inhibits corticosterone deposition in feathers of greenfinches. – General and Comparative Endocrinology 191: 210-214. DOI: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2013.07.002
  • Krams, I., Kokko, H., Vrublevska, J., Āboliņš-Ābols, M., Krama, T., Rantala, M.J. 2013. The excuse principle can maintain cooperation through forgivable defection in the prisoner’s dilemma game. – Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280 20131475. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2013.1475
  • Meitern, R., Sild, E., Lind, M.-A., Männiste, M., Sepp, T., Karu, U., Hõrak, P. 2013. Effects of endotoxin and psychological stress on redox physiology, immunity and feather corticosterone in greenfinches. – PloS ONE 8: e67545. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0067545
  • Rantala, M.J., Coetzee, V., Moore, F., Skrinda, I., Kecko, S., Krama, T., Kivleniece, I., Krams, I. 2013. Facial attractiveness is related to women’s cortisol and body fat, but not with immune responsiveness. – Biology Letters 9 4 20130255. DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2013.0255
  • Männiste, M., Sepp, T., Hõrak, P.  2013. Locomotor activity of captive greenfinches involves two different behavioural traits. – Ethology 119: 581–591. DOI: 10.1111/eth.12099
  • Krama, T., Suraka,V.,  Hukkanen, M., Rytkönen, S., Orell, M., Cīrule, D., Rantala, M.J., Krams, I. 2013. Physiological condition and blood parasites of breeding Great Tits: a comparison of core and northernmost population. – Journal of Ornithology 154: 1019-1028. DOI: 10.1007/s10336-013-0969-9
  • Krams, I., Kivleniece, I., Kuusik, A., Krama, T., Freeberg, T.M., Mänd, R., Vrublevska, J., Rantala, M.J., Mänd, M. 2013. Predation selects for low resting metabolic rate and consistent individual differences in anti-predator behavior in a beetle. – Acta Ethologica 16: 163-172. DOI: 10.1007/s10211-013-0147-3
  • Krams, I.A., Suraka, V., Rantala, M.J., Sepp, T., Mierauskas, P., Vrublevska, J., Krama, T. 2013. Acute infection of avian malaria impairs concentration of hemoglobin and survival in juvenile altricial birds. – Journal of Zoology 291: 34–41. DOI: 10.1111/jzo.12043
  • Meitern, R., Sild, E., Kilk, K., Porosk, R., Hõrak, P. 2013. On the methodological limitations of detecting oxidative stress: effects of paraquat on measures of oxidative status in greenfinches. - Journal of Experimental Biology 216: 2713-2721. DOI: 10.1242/jeb.087528
  • Arlet, M.E., Molleman, F., Isbell, L.A., Chancellor, R.L., James R. Carey, J.R., Mänd, R. 2013. Correlations between social context and fecal glucocorticoid metabolite concentrations in free-ranging female gray-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena) in Kibale National Park,  Uganda. – Folia Biologica  61: 239-246.
  • Mänd, R., Rasmann, E., Mägi, M. 2013. When a male changes his ways: sex differences in feeding behavior in the Pied Flycatcher. – Behavioral Ecology 24: 853-858. DOI: 10.1093/beheco/art025
  • Krams, I., Kivleniece, I., Kuusik, A., Krama, T., Mänd, R., Rantala, M.J., Znotiņa, S., Freeberg, T.M., Mänd, M. 2013. Predation promotes survival of beetles with lower resting metabolic rates. – Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata  148: 94-103. DOI: 10.1111/eea.12079
  • Moore, F. R., Coetzee, V., Contreras-Garduńo, J., Debruine, L. M., Kleisner, K, Krams, I., Marcinkowska, U., Nord, A., Perrett, D. I., Rantala, M., Schaum, N., Suzuki, T. N. 2013. Cross-cultural variation in women’s preferences for cues to sex- and stress-hormones in the male face. – Biology Letters 9: 20130050. DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2013.0050
  • Prokkola, J., Roff, D., Kärkkäinen,T., Krams, I., Rantala, MJ. 2013. Genotype-by-environment interactions and phenotypic effects of temperature and sex on cuticular melanism, encapsulation, body size and development time in Tenebrio molitor. – Heredity 111: 89-96. DOI: 10.1038/hdy.2013.20
  • Krams, I., Vrublevska, J., Cirule, D., Kivleniece, I., Krama, T., Rantala, MJ., Kaasik, A., Hõrak, P., Sepp, T. 2013. Stress, behaviour and immunity in wild-caught wintering great tits (Parus major). – Ethology 119: 397–406. DOI: 10.1111/eth.12075
  • Rannap, R., Markus, M., Kaart, T. 2013. Habitat use of the common spadefoot toad (Pelobates fuscus) in Estonia. – Amphibia-Reptilia 34: 51-62.
  • Lõhmus, A., Kraut, A., Rosenvald, R.2013. Dead wood in clearcuts of semi-natural forests in Estonia: site-type variation, degradation, and the influences of tree retention and slash harvest. – European Journal of Forest Research 132: 335-349. DOI: 10.1007/s10342-012-0678-6
  • Meija, L., Söderholm, P., Samaletdin, A., Ignace, G., Siksna, I., Joffe, R., Lejnieks, A., Lietuvietis, V., Krams, I., Adlercreutz, H. 2013. Dietary intake and major sources of plant lignans in Latvian men and women. – International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 64: 535-543. DOI: 10.3109/09637486.2013.765835
  • Rantala, M.J., Coetzee, V., Moore, F.R., Skrinda,I., Kecko, S., Krama, T., Kivleniece, I., Krams, I. 2013. Adiposity found to be a more valid cue to immunocompetence than masculinity in human mate choice. –  Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280: 20122495. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2012.2495
  • Morales, J., Ruuskanen, S., Laaksonen, T., Eeva, T., Mateo, R., Belskii, E., Ivankina, E.I., Järvinen, A., Kerimov, A., Korpimäki, E., Krams, I., Mänd, R., Morosinotto, C., Orell, M., Qvarnström, A., Siitari, H., Slater, F.M., Tilgar, V., Visser, M.E., Winkel, W., Zang, H., Moreno, J. 2013. Variation in eggshell traits between geographically distant populations of pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca. – Journal of Avian Biology 44: 111-120. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-048X.2012.05782.x
  • Krams, I., Cīrule, D., Vrublevska, J., Nord, A., Rantala, MJ., Krama, T. 2013. Nocturnal loss of body reserves reveals high survival risk for subordinate great tits wintering at extremely low ambient temperatures. – Oecologia 172: 339-46. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-012-2505-7
  • Veeroja, R., Kirk, A., Tilgar, V., Tõnisson, J. 2013. Winter climate, age and population density affect the timing of conception in female moose (Alces alces). –  Acta Theriologica  4: 349-357. DOI: 10.1007/s13364-012-0106-9
  • Krams, I., Daukšte, J., Kivleniece, I., Kaasik, A., Krama, T., Freeberg, T.M., Rantala, M.J. 2013. Trade-off between cellular immunity and life span in mealworm beetles Tenebrio molitor. – Current Zoology 59: 340-346.
  • Suhonen,J., Suutari,E., Kaunisto, K., Krams, I. 2013. Patch area of macrophyte Stratioites aloides as a critical resource for declining dragonfly Aeshna viridis. – Journal of Insect Conservation 17: 393-398. DOI: 10.1007/s10841-012-9521-0
  • Krams, I., Daukste, J., Kivleniece, I., Krama, T., Rantala, M.J. 2013. Previous encapsulation response enhances within individual protection against fungal parasite in the mealworm beetle Tenebrio molitor. – Insect Science (in press). DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-7917.2012.01574.x
  • Runnel, K., Rosenvald, R., Lõhmus, A. 2013. The dying legacy of green-tree retention: different habitat values for polypores and wood-inhabiting lichens. – Biological Conservation 159: 187-196. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2012.11.029
  • Pitk, M., Tilgar, V., Kilgas, P., Mänd, R. 2012. Acute stress affects the corticosterone level in bird eggs: a case study with great tits (Parus major). – Hormones and Behavior 62: 475-479.
  • Krama, T., Vrublevska, J., Freeberg, T.M., Kullberg, C., Rantala, M.J., Krams, I. 2012. You mob my owl, I’ll mob yours: birds play tit-for-tat game. – Scientific Reports 2: 800. DOI: 10.1038/srep00800
  • Freeberg, T.M., Lucas, J.R., Krams, I. 2012. The complex call of the Carolina Chickadee: What can the chick-a-dee call teach us about communication and language? – American Scientist 100: 398-407.
  • Rannap, R., Lõhmus, A., Tammaru, T., Briggs, L., de Vries, W., Bibelriether, F. 2012. Northern natterjack toads (Bufo calamita) select breeding habitats that promote rapid development. -- Behaviour 149: 737–754.
  • Møller, A.P.; Diaz, M.; Flensted-Jensen, E.; Grim, T.; Ibanez-Alamo, J.D.; Jokimäki, J.; Mänd, R., Marko, G.; Tryjanowski, P. 2012. High urban population density of birds reflects their timing of urbanization. – Oecologia 170: 867-875. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-012-2355-3
  • Lindenmayer, D.B., Franklin, J.F., Lõhmus, A., Baker, S., Bauhus, J., Beese, W., Brodie, A., Kiehl, B., Kouki, J., Martinez Pastur, G., Messier, C., Neyland, M., Palik, B., Sverdrup-Thygeson, A., Volney, J., Wayne, A. & Gustafsson, L. 2012. A major shift to the retention approach for forestry can resolve some global forest sustainability  issues. – Conservation Letters 5: 421-431. DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-263X.2012.00257.x
  • Elts, J., Lõhmus, A. 2012. What do we lack in agri-environment schemes? The case of farmland birds in Estonia. – Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 156: 89-93. DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2012.04.023
  • Krams, I.,  Suraka, V., Rattiste, K., Āboliņš-Ābols, M., Krama, T.,  Rantala, M.J., Mierauskas, P., Cīrule, D. & Saks, L. Comparative analysis reveals a possible immunity-related absence of blood parasites in common gulls (Larus canus) and black-headed gulls (Chroicocephalus ridibundus). – Journal of Ornithology 153: 1245-1252.
  • Krams, I.,  Suraka, V., Cīrule, D., Hukkanen, M.,  Tummeleht, L., Mierauskas, P., Rytkönen, S., Rantala, M.J., Vrublevska, J., Orell, M. & Krama, T.  A comparison of microscopy and PCR diagnostics for low intensity infections of haemosporidian parasites in the Siberian  tit Poecile cinctus. – Annales Zoologici Fennici 49: 331-340.
  • Sepp, T., Karu, U., Blount, J., Sild, E., Männiste, M., Hõrak, P. Coccidian infection causes oxidative damage in greenfinches. – PLoS ONE 7(5): e36495. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0036495
  • Daukste, J., Kivleniece, I.,Krama, T., Rantala, M.J., Krams, I. 2012. Senescence in immune priming and attractiveness in a beetle.  – Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25: 1298-304. doi: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2012.02516.x
  • Lõhmus, P., Leppik, E., Motiejunaite, J., Suija, A. & Lõhmus, A. 2012. Old selectively cut forests can host rich lichen communities - lessons from an exhaustive field survey. – Nova Hedwigia 95: 493-515.
  • Gustafsson, L., Baker, S., Bauhus, J., Beese, W., Brodie, A., Kouki, J., Lindenmayer, D.B., Lõhmus, A., Messier, C., Neyland, M., Palik, B., Sverdrup-Thygeson, A., Volney, J., Wayne, A. & Franklin, J.F. 2012. Retention forestry to maintain multifunctional forests: a world perspective. – BioScience 62: 633-645.
  • Sepp, T., Sild, E., Blount, J., Männiste, M., Karu, U. & Hõrak, P. 2012. Individual consistency and covariation of measures of oxidative status in greenfinches. – Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 85: 299-307.
  • Burger, C., Belskii, E., Eeva, T., Laaksonen, T., Mägi, M., Mänd, R., Qvarnström, A., Slagsvold, T., Veen, T., Visser, M.E., Wiebe, K.L., Wiley, C., Wright, J., Both, C. 2012. Climate change, breeding date and nestling diet: how temperature differentially affects seasonal changes in pied flycatcher diet depending on habitat variation. – Journal of Animal Ecology 81: 926–936. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2012.01968.x
  • Krams, I., Vrublevska, J., Cirule, D., Kivleniece, I., Krama, T., Rantala, M.J., Sild, E., Hõrak, P. 2012. Heterophil/lymphocyte ratios predict the magnitude of humoral immune response to a novel antigen in great tits (Parus major).  – Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 161: 422–428.  DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2011.12.018
  • Krams, I., Krama, T., Freeberg, T.M., Kullberg, C.,  Lucas, J.R. 2012. Linking social complexity and vocal complexity: a Parid perspective. – Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 367: 1879-1891.
  • Roff, D.A., Prokkola, J.M., Krams, I., Rantala., M.J. 2012. There’s more than one way to skin a G matrix. – Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25: 1113-1126.
  • Rantala, M.J., Moore, F.R., Skrinda, I., Krama, T., Kivleniece, I., Kecko, S., Krams, I. 2012. Evidence for the stress-linked immunocompetence handicap hypothesis in humans. – Nature Communications 3: 694. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1696
  • Krams, I., Daukste, J., Kivleniece, I., Brumelis, G., Cibulskis, R., Abolins-Abols, M., Rantala, M.J., Mierauskas, P., Krama, T. 2012. Drought-induced positive feedback in xylophagous insects: easier invasion of Scots pine leading to greater investment in immunity of emerging individuals. - Forest Ecology and Management 270: 147-152.
  • Kilgas, P., Saag, P.,  Mägi, M., Edenberg, M., Tilgar, V., Mänd, R. 2012. Variation in assemblages of feather bacteria in relation to plumage color in female great tits. – Condor 114: 606-611.
  • Pölkki, M., Krams, I., Kangassalo, K., Rantala, M.J. 2012. Inbreeding affects on the attractiveness of sexual signalling only in male Tenebrio molitor. – Biology Letters 8: 423-425.
  • Rannap, R., Lõhmus, A., Linnamägi, M. 2012. Geographic variation in habitat preferences of two coexisting newt species in Europe. – Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientarium Hungaricae 58: 73-90.
  • Kilgas, P., Saag, P., Mägi, M., Tilgar, V., Mänd, R. 2012. Plumage bacterial load increases during nest-building in a passerine bird. – Journal of Ornithology 153: 833-838. DOI: 10.1007/s10336-011-0801-3
  • Saag, P., Kilgas, P., Mägi, M., Tilgar, V., Mänd, R. 2012. Inter-annual and body topographic consistency in the plumage bacterial load of Great Tits. – Journal of Field Ornithology 83: 94-100. DOI: 10.1111/j.1557-9263.2011.00359.x
  • Krama, T., Bērziņš, A., Rytkönen, S., Rantala, M.J., Wheatcroft, D., Krams, I. 2012. Linking antipredator behaviour and habitat quality: group effect in nest defence of a passerine bird. – Acta Ethologica 15: 127-134.
  • Mägi, M., Mänd, R., Konovalov, A., Tilgar, V., Reynolds, S.J. 2012. Testing the structural-function hypothesis of eggshell maculation in great tits: an experimental approach. – Journal of  Ornithology 153: 645-652   DOI: 10.1007/s10336-011-0782-2
  • Tilgar, V., Moks, K., Saag, P. 2011. Predator-induced stress changes parental feeding behavior in pied flycatchers. – Behavioral Ecology 22: 23-28. DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arq164
  • Lõhmus, A., Lõhmus, P. 2011. Old-forest species: the importance of specific substrata vs. stand continuity in the case of calicioid fungi. – Silva Fennica 45: 1015-1039.
  • Saag P., Mänd R., Tilgar V., Kilgas P., Mägi M., Rasmann E. 2011. Plumage bacterial load is related to species, sex, biometrics and fledging success in co-occurring cavity-breeding passerines. – Acta Ornithologica 46: 191-201.
  • Ruuskanen, S., Siitari, H., Eeva, T., Belskii, E., Järvinen, A., Kerimov, A., Krams, I., Moreno, J., Morosinotto, C., Mänd, R., Möstl, E., Orell, M., Qvarnström, A., Salminen, J.-P., Slater, F., Tilgar, V., Visser, M.E., Winkel, W., Zang, H., Laaksonen, T. 2011. Geographical variation in egg mass and egg content in a passerine bird. – PLoS ONE 6: e25360.
  • Cīrule, D., Krama, T., Vrublevska, J., Rantala, M.J. & Krams, I. 2011. A rapid effect of handling on counts of white blood cells in a wintering passerine bird: a more practical measure of stress? – Journal of  Ornithology 153: 161-166.
  • Sild, E., Sepp, T., Männiste, M. & Hõrak, P. 2011. Carotenoid intake does not affect immune-stimulated oxidative burst in greenfinches. – Journal of Experimental Biology 214: 3467-3473.
  • Männiste, M. & Hõrak, P. 2011. Effects of immune activation and glucocorticoid administration on feather growth in greenfinches. – Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology 315: 527-535.
  • Rosenvald, R., Lõhmus, A., Kraut, A., Remm, L. 2011. Bird communities in hemiboreal old-growth forests: The roles of food supply, stand structure, and site type. – Forest Ecology and Management 262: 1541-1550.
  • Krams, I.., Vrublevska, J., Cirule, D. & Krama, T. 2011. Extremely low ambient temperature affects haematological parameters and body condition in wintering Great Tits (Parus major). – Journal of  Ornithology 152: 889-895. DOI: 10.1007/s10336-011-0672-7
  • Suislepp, K., Rannap, R., Lõhmus, A. 2011. Impacts of artificial drainage on amphibian breeding sites in hemiboreal forests. – Forest Ecology and Management 262: 1078-1083.
  • Krams, I., Daukste, J. , Kivleniece, I., Krama, T., Rantala, M.J.. 2011. Overwinter survival depends on immune defence and body length in male Aquarius najas water striders. – Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 140: 45-51.
  • Lõhmus, A. 2011. The role of citizen science in ornithology. – Estonian Journal of Ecology 60: 83-87.
  • Remm, J., Lõhmus, A. 2011. Tree cavities in forests - the broad distribution pattern of a keystone structure for biodiversity. – Forest Ecology and Management 262: 579-585. DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2011.04.028
  • Lõhmus, A. 2011. Three-year periodicity in historical raptor-persecution data: an indication of vole cycles? – Estonian Journal of Ecology 60: 155-164.
  • Sild, E. , Sepp, T., Hõrak, P.   2011. Behavioural trait covaries with immune responsiveness in a wild passerine. – Brain, Behavior and Immunity 25: 1349-1354. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbi.2011.03.020
  • Lõhmus, A., Kull, T. 2011. Orchid abundance in hemiboreal forests - stand-scale effects of clear-cutting, green-tree retention, and artificial drainage. – Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41: 1352-1358. DOI: 10.1139/X11-047
  • Tuule, E., Tuule, A., Lõhmus, A. 2011. Fifty-year dynamics in a temperate raptor assemblage. – Estonian Journal of Ecology 60: 132-142.
  • Arlet, M.E., Kaasik, A., Molleman, F., Isbell, L., Carey, J.R., Mänd, R. 2011. Social factors increase fecal testosterone levels in wild male gray-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena). – Hormones and Behavior 59: 605-611.
  • Lõhmus, A. 2011. Silviculture as a disturbance regime: the effects of clear-cutting, planting and thinning on polypore communities in mixed forests. – Journal of Forest Research 16: 1-9. DOI: 10.1007/s10310-011-0256-7
  • Lõhmus, A. 2011. Aspen-inhabiting Aphyllophoroid fungi in a managed forest landscape in Estonia. – Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 26: 212-220. DOI: 10.1080/02827581.2011.558850
  • Lõhmus, M., Sild, E., Hõrak, P., Björklund, M. 2011. Effects of chronic leptin administration on nitric oxide production and immune responsiveness of greenfinches. – Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 158: 560-565.
  • Sepp, T., Karu, U., Sild, E., Männiste, M., Hõrak, P. 2011. Effects of carotenoids, immune activation and immune suppression on the intensity of chronic coccidiosis in greenfinches. – Experimental Parasitology 127: 651-657.
  • Saag, P., Tilgar, V., Mänd, R., Kilgas, P., Mägi, M. 2011. Plumage bacterial assemblages in a breeding wild passerine: relationships with ecological factors and body condition. – Microbial Ecology 61: 740-749.
  • Eeva, T., Ruuskanen, S., Salminen, J.-P., Belskii, E., Järvinen, A., Kerimov, A., Korpimäki, E., Krams, I., Moreno, J., Morosinotto, C., Mänd, R., Orell, M., Qvarnström, A., Siitari, H.,  Slater, F.M., Tilgar, V., Visser, M.E., Winkel, W., Zang, H. & Laaksonen, T. 2011. Geographical trends in the yolk carotenoid composition of the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). – Oecologia 165: 277-287.
  • Lõhmus, P., Turja, K., Lõhmus, A. 2010. Lichen communities on treefall mounds depend more on root-plate than stand characteristics. – Forest Ecology and Management 260: 1754-1761. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2010.07.056
  • Calabuig, C., Ferrer, M., Muriel, R., Tilgar, V. 2010. Plasma alkaline phosphatase as a sensitive indicator of age and skeletal development in wild coscoroba swans. – Wildlife Research 37: 504-511.
  • Sild, E. & Hõrak, P. 2010. Assessment of oxidative burst in avian whole blood samples:  validation and application of a chemiluminescence method  based on Pholasin. – Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64: 2065-2076. DOI: 10.1007/s00265-010-1076-z
  • Arlet, M.E. & Molleman, F. 2010. Farmers’ Perceptions of the Impact of Wildlife on Small-Scale Cacao Cultivation at the Northern Periphery of Dja Faunal Reserve, Cameroon. – African Primates 7: 27-34.
  • McGraw, K.J., Cohen, A.A., Costantini, D. & Hõrak, P. 2010. The ecological significance of antioxidants and oxidative stress: a marriage between mechanistic and functional perspectives. – Functional Ecology 24: 947-949. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2010.01772.x
  • Kilgas, P. Tilgar, V., Külavee, R., Saks, L., Hõrak, P. & Mänd, R. 2010. Antioxidant protection, immune function and growth of nestling great tits Parus major in relation to within-brood hierarchy. – Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B 157: 288-293.
  • Hõrak, P. & Cohen, A. 2010. How to measure oxidative stress in an ecological context: methodological and statistical issues. – Functional Ecology 24: 960-970. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2010.01755.x
  • Lambrechts, M. M.; Adriaensen, F.; Ardia, D. R.; Artemyev, A. V.; Atienzar, F.; Banbura, J.; Barba, E.; Bouvier, J.-C.; Camprodon, J.; Cooper, C. B.; Dawson, R.D.; Eens, M.; Eeva, T.; Faivre, B.; Garamszegi, L. Z.; Goodenough, A. E.; Gosler, A. G.; Gregoire, A.; Griffith, S. C.; Gustafsson, L.; Johnson, L. S.; Kania, W.; Keiss, O.; Llambias, P. E.; Mainwaring, M. C.; Mänd, R.; Massa,B.; Mazgajski, T. D.; Moller, A. P.; Moreno, J.; Naef-Daenzer, B.; Nilsson, J.-A.; Norte, A. C.; Orell, M.; Otter, K. A.; Park, C. R.; Perrins, C. M.; Pinowski, J.; Porkert, J.; Potti, J.; Remes, V.; Richner, H.; Rytkönen, S.; Shiao, M.-T.; Silverin, B.; Slagsvold, T.; Smith, H. G.; Sorace, A.; Stenning, M. J.; Stewart, I.; Thompson, C. F.; Tryjanowski, P.; Török, J.; van Noordwijk, A. J.; Winkler, D. W. & Ziane, N. 2010. The design of artificial nestboxes for the study of secondary hole-nesting birds: a review of methodological inconsistencies and potential biases. – Acta Ornithologica 45: 1-26. DOI: 10.3161/000164510X516047
  • Lõhmus, A. & Kraut, A. 2010. Stand structure of hemiboreal old-growth forests: characteristic features, variation among site types, and a comparison with FSC-certified mature stands in Estonia. – Forest Ecology and Management 260: 155-165. DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2010.04.018.
  • Sisask, E, Mänd, R., Mägi, M. & Tilgar, V. 2010. Parental provisioning behaviour in Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca is well adjusted to local conditions in a mosaic of deciduous and coniferous habitat. – Bird Study 57:447-457.
  • Hõrak, P., Sild, E., Kilk, K., Sepp, T., Soomets, U. 2010. Oxidative stress and information content of black and yellow plumage coloration: an experiment with greenfinches. – Journal of Experimental Biology 213: 2225-2233. DOI: 10.1242/jeb.042085.
  • Tilgar, V., Saag, P., Külavee, R., Mänd, R. 2010. Behavioural and physiological responses of nestling pied flycatchers to acoustic stress. – Hormones and Behavior 57: 481-487. DOI: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2010.02.006.
  • Lõhmus, A., Kinks, R. & Soon, M. 2010. The importance of dead-wood supply for woodpeckers in Estonia. – Baltic Forestry 16: 76-86.
  • Lõhmus, A. & Lõhmus, P. 2010. Epiphyte communities on the trunks of retention trees stabilise in five years after timber harvesting, but remain threatened due to tree loss. – Biological Conservation 143: 891-898. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2009.12.036.
  • Lozano, G. A. 2010. Evolutionary explanations in medicine: how do they differ and how to benefit from them. – Medical Hypotheses 74: 746-749.
  • Sepp, T., Sild, E. & Hõrak, P. 2010. Hematological condition indices in greenfinches: effects of captivity and diurnal variation. – Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 83: 276-282. DOI: 10.1086/648580.
  • Tilgar, V., Mänd, R., Kilgas, P. & Mägi, M. 2010. Long-term consequences of early ontogeny in free-living great tits Parus major. – Journal of Ornithology 151: 61-68.
  • Krams, I., Bērziņš, A., Krama, T., Wheatcroft, D., Igaune, K. & Rantala, M. J. 2010. The increased risk of predation enhances cooperation. – Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277: 513-518. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2009.1614.
  • Krams, I., Cirule, D., Suraka, V., Krama, T., Rantala, M. R. & Ramey, G. 2010. Fattening strategies of wintering great tits support the optimal body mass hypothesis under conditions of extremely low ambient temperature. – Functional Ecology 24: 172 – 177.  DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2009.01628.x).
  • Veeroja, R., Kirk, A., Tilgar, V., Säde, S., Kreitsberg, M. & Tõnisson, J. 2010. Conception date affects litter type and foetal sex ratio in female moose in Estonia. – Journal of Animal Ecology 79: 169-175.
  • Tilgar, V., Saag, P. & Moks, K. 2009. Development of stress response in nestling pied flycatchers. - Journal of Comparative Physiology A - Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 195: 799 - 803.
  • Lozano, G. A. 2009. The other side of the coin: intersexual selection and the expression of emotions to signal youth or maturity. – Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32: 398 – 399. DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X0999015X.
  • Lozano, G. A. 2009. Multiple cues in mate selection: the sexual interference hypothesis. – BioScience Hypotheses 2: 37 – 42.
  • Lehtonen, P.K., Laaksonen, T., Artemyev, A.V., Belskii, E., Both, C., Bureš, S., Bushuev, A.V., Krams, I., Moreno, J., Mägi, M., Nord, A., Potti, J., Ravussin, P.-A., Sirkiä, P.M., Sætre, G.-P. & Primmer, C.R. 2009. Geographic patterns of genetic differentiation and plumage colour variation are different in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). - Molecular Ecology 18: 4463 – 4476.
  • Rannap, R., Lõhmus, A. & Briggs, L. 2009. Restoring ponds for amphibians: a success story. – Hydrobiologia 634: 87-95. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-009-9884-8
  • Lõhmus, A. 2009. Factors of species-specific detectability in conservation assessments of poorly studied taxa: the case of polypore fungi. - Biological Conservation 142: 2792-2796. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2009.05.022
  • Rannap, R., Lõhmus, A. & Briggs, L. 2009. Niche position, but not niche breadth, differs in two coexisting amphibians having contrasting trends in Europe. - Diversity and Distributions 15: 692-700.
  • Jairus, K., Lõhmus, A., Lõhmus, P. 2009. Lichen acclimatization on retention trees: a conservation physiology lesson. – Journal of Applied Ecology 46: 930-936.  DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2009.01672.x
  • Mägi, M., Mänd, R., Tamm, H., Sisask, E., Kilgas, P. & Tilgar, V. 2009. Low reproductive success of great tits in the preferred habitat: a role of food availability. – Ecoscience 16: 145–157. DOI: 10.2980/16-2-3215
  • Mänd, R., Leivits, A.; Leivits, M. & Rodenhouse, N.L. 2009. Provision of nest-boxes raises the breeding density of Great Tits Parus major equally in coniferous and deciduous woodland. – Ibis 151: 487-492. DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.2009.00929.x
  • Sild, E. & Hõrak, P. 2009. Nitric oxide production: an easily measurable condition index for vertebrates. - Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 959 – 966.
  • Sarv, T. & Hõrak, P. 2009. Phytohaemagglutinin injection has a long-lasting effect on immune cells. - Journal of Avian Biology 40: 569-571.
  • Tilgar, V. & Kikas, K. 2009. Is parental risk taking negatively related to the level of brood reduction? An experiment with pied flycatchers. - Animal Behaviour 77: 43 – 47.
  • Van den Steen, E.; Pinxten, R.; Jaspers, V.L.B.; Covaci, A.; Barba, E.; Carere, C.; Cichon, M.; Dubiec, A.; Eeva, T.; Heeb, P.; Kempenaers, B.; Lifjeld, J.T., Lubjuhn, T.; Mänd, R.; Massa, B.; Nilsson, J.-A.; Norte, A.C.; Orell, M.; Podzemny, P.; Sanz, J.J.; Senar, J.C.; Soler, J.J.; Sorace, A.; Török, J.; Visser, M.E.; Winkel, W. & Eens, M. 2009. Brominated flame retardants and organochlorines in the European environment using great tit eggs as a biomonitoring tool. - Environment International 35: 310 – 317.
  • Väli, Ü., Lõhmus, A. & Sellis, U. 2009. The Greater Spotted Eagle in Estonia: Numbers, Distribution, Reproductive Success, Diet and Conservation . Chancellor, R.D; Meyburg, B.-U. (Eds.). Spotted Eagle Studies (.).WWGBP (in press).
  • Lõhmus, P. & Lõhmus, A. 2009. The importance of representative inventories for lichen conservation assessments: the case of Cladonia norvegica and C. parasitica. – Lichenologist 41: 61 – 67.
  • Kesler, M., Vetemaa, M., Saks, L. & Saat, T. 2009. Occurrence of Ligula colymbi (Cestoda) in spined loach (Cobitis taenia) and its effects on reproduction and growth of the host. – Boreal Environment Research 14: 932 – 936.
  • Laaksonen, T., Negro, J. J.,Lyytinen, S., Valkama, J., Ots, I. & Korpimaki, E. 2008. Effects of Experimental Brood Size Manipulation and Gender on Carotenoid Levels of Eurasian Kestrels Falco tinnunculus.  – Plos ONE 3 (6): article # e2374. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0002374.
  • Karu, U., Saks, L. & Hõrak, P. 2008. Carotenoid-based plumage coloration is not affected by vitamin E supplementation in male greenfinches. - Ecological Research 23: 931 – 935.
  • Remm, J., Lõhmus, A. & Rosenvald, R. 2008. Density and diversity of hole-nesting passerines: dependence on the characteristics of cavities. - Acta Ornithologica 43: 83-91.
  • Rosenvald, R., Lõhmus, A. & Kiviste, A. 2008. Preadaptation and spatial effects on retention-tree survival in cut areas in Estonia. - Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38: 2616 – 2625.
  • Pehlak, H. & Lõhmus, A. 2008. An artificial nest experiment indicates equal nesting success of waders in coastal meadows and mires. – Ornis Fennica 85: 66-71.
  • Veeroja, R., Tilgar, V., Kirk, A. & Tõnisson, J. 2008. Climatic effects on life-history traits of moose in Estonia. - Oecologia 154: 703-713.
  • Tilgar, V., Kilgas, P., Viitak, A. & Reynolds, S. J. 2008. The rate of bone mineralization in birds is directly related to alkaline phosphatase activity. –Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 81: 106-111.
  • Tilgar, V., Kilgas, P., Mägi, M. & Mänd, R. 2008.  Age-related changes in the activity of bone alkaline phosphatase and its application as a marker of pre-fledging maturity of nestlings in wild passerines. – Auk 125: 456-460.
  • Treinys, R., Lõhmus, A., Stonćius, D., Skuja, S., Drobelis, E., Šablevićius, B., Rumbutis, S., Dementavićius, D., Naruševićius, V., Petraška, A., Augutis, D. 2008. At the border of ecological change: status and nest sites of the Lithuanian black stork Ciconia nigra population 2000–2006 vs. 1976–1992. - Journal of Ornithology 149: 75 - 81. DOI: 10.1007/s10336-007-0220-7.
  • Rosenvald, R. & Lõhmus, A. 2008. For what, when, and where is green-tree retention better than clear-cutting? A review of the biodiversity aspects. - Forest Ecology and Management 225: 1-15. DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2007.09.016
  • Krams, I., Krama T., Igaune, K. & Mänd, R. 2008. Experimental evidence of reciprocal altruism in the pied flycatcher. - Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62: 599-605. DOI: 10.1007/s00265-007-0484-1.
  • Lõhmus, A. & Lõhmus, P. 2008. First-generation forests are not necessarily worse than managed long-term forests for lichens and bryophytes. - Restoration Ecology 16: 231-239. DOI: 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2007.00266.x.
  • Kilgas, P., Tilgar, V., Mägi, M. & Mänd, R. 2007. Physiological condition of incubating and brood rearing female Great Tits Parus major in two contrasting habitats. - Acta Ornithologica 42: 129-136.
  • Saag, P., Paaver, T. &Väli, Ü. 2007. Lack of between- and within-species isoenzyme variability in Aquila eagles (Aves: Accipitriformes). - Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 36: 774-776. DOI:10.1016/j.bse.2007.06.007.
  • Rosenvald, R. & Lõhmus, A. 2007. Breeding birds in hemiboreal clear-cuts: tree retention effects in relation to site type. – Forestry 80: 503-516. DOI: 10.1093/forestry/cpm027.
  • Hõrak, P., Saks, L., Zilmer, M., Karu, U. & Zilmer, K. 2007. Do dietary antioxidants alleviate the cost of immune activation? An experiment with greenfinches. - American Naturalist 170: 625-635. DOI: 10.1086/521232.
  • Karu, U., Saks, L., Hõrak, P. 2007. Carotenoid coloration in greenfinches is individually consistent irrespective of foraging ability. - Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 80: 663-670.
  • Krams, I., Krama, T., Igaune, K. & Mänd, R. 2007. Long-lasting mobbing of the pied flycatcher increases the risk of nest predation. - Behavioral Ecology 18: 1082-1084. DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arm079).
  • Mänd T., Tammaru T., Mappes J. 2007. Size dependent predation risk in cryptic and conspicuous insects. - Evolutionary Ecology 21: 485-498. DOI: 10.1007/s10682-006-9130-z.
  • Rannap, R., Lõhmus, A. & Jakobson, K. 2007. Consequences of  coastal meadow degradation: the case of the natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) in Estonia. - Wetlands 27: 390-398.
  • Lõhmus, A., Lõhmus, P. & Vellak, K. 2007. Substratum diversity explains landscape-scale covariation in the species richness of bryophytes and lichens. – Biological Conservation 135: 405-414. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2006.10.015.
  • Mänd, R., Tilgar, V., Kilgas, P. & Mägi, M. 2007. Manipulation of laying effort reveals habitat-specific variation in egg production constraints in great tits (Parus major). – Journal of Ornithology 148: 91-97.
  • Meylaers, K.; Freitak, D.; Schoofs, L. 2007. Immunocompetence of Galleria mellonella: Sex- and stage-specific differences and the physiological cost of mounting an immune response during metamorphosis. - Journal of Insect Physiology 53: 146 – 156.
  • Hõrak, P., Zilmer, M., Saks, L., Ots, I., Karu, U. & Zilmer, K. 2006. Antioxidant protection, carotenoids, and the costs of immune challenge in greenfinches. - Journal of Experimental Biology 209: 4329-4338. DOI: 10.1242/jeb.02502.
  • Tummeleht, L., Mägi, M., Kilgas, P., Mänd, R. & Hõrak, P. 2006. Antioxidant protection and plasma carotenoids of incubating great tits (Parus major L.) in relation to health state and breeding conditions. - Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C 144: 166-172. DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpc.2006.08.004.
  • Hõrak, P., Tummeleht, L. & Talvik, H. 2006. Predictors and markers of resistance to neutropic nematode infection in rodent host. – Parasitology Research 98: 396-402.
  • Hõrak, P., Tummeleht, L. & Talvik, H. 2006. Predator threat, copulation effort, and immunity in male rats. - Journal of Zoology 268: 9-16.
  • Hõrak, P., Saks, L., Karu, U. & Ots, I. 2006. Host resistance and parasite virulence in greenfinch coccidiosis. – Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19: 277- 288.
  • Remm, J., Lõhmus, A. & Remm, K. 2006. Tree cavities in riverine forests: what determines their occurrence and use by hole-nesting passerines? Forest Ecology and Management 221: 267-277.
  • Krams, I., Krama, T. & Igaune, K. 2006. Mobbing behaviour: reciprocity-based cooperation in the breeding pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. – Ibis 148: 5-54.
  • Krams, I., Krama, T. & Igaune, K. 2006. Alarm calls of wintering great tits Parus major: warning of mate, reciprocal altruism or a message to the predator? - Journal of Avian Biology 37: 131-136.
  • Kilgas, P., Tilgar, V. & Mänd, R. 2006. Hematological health state indices predict local survival in a small passerine bird, the great tit (Parus major). - Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 79: 565-572.
  • Lõhmus, A. 2006. Nest tree and nest stand characteristics of forest-dwelling raptors in east-central Estonia: implications for forest management and conservation. - Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Biology/ Ecology 55: 31-50.
  • Pehlak, H., Lõhmus, A., Kuresoo, A. & Luigujõe, L. 2006. Land-based census of wintering waterfowl: reliability and conservation implications. - Waterbirds 29: 76-80.
  • Tilgar, V. & Mänd, R. 2006. Sibling growth patterns in great tits: does increased selection on last-hatched chicks favour an asynchronous hatching strategy? – Evolutionary Ecology 20: 217-234. DOI: 10.1007/s10682-005-5877-x.
  • Kilgas, P., Mänd, R., Mägi, M. & Tilgar, V. 2006. Hematological parameters in brood-rearing great tits in relation to habitat, multiple breeding and sex. – Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A144: 224-231. DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2006.02.038.
  • Saks, L., Karu, U., Ots & I. Hõrak, P. 2006. Do standard measures of immunocompetence reflect parasite resistance? The case of greenfinch coccidiosis. Functional Ecology 20: 75-82. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2006.01068.x.
  • Kokko, H. & Ots, I. 2006. When not to avoid inbreeding. - Evolution 60: 467–475.
  • Lõhmus, P., Rosenvald, R. & Lõhmus, A. 2006. Effectiveness of solitary retention trees for conserving epiphytes: differential short-term responses of bryophytes and lichens. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36: 1319-1330. DOI: 10.1139/X06-032.
  • Møller, A.P, Chabi, Y., Cuervo, J.J., de Lope, F., Kilpimaa, J., Kose, M., Matyasiak, P., Pap, P.L., Saino, N., Sakraoui, R., Schifferli, L. & von Hirschheydt. 2006. An analysis of continent-wide patterns of sexual selection in a passerine bird. – Evolution 60: 856–868.
  • Krama, T. & Krams, I. 2005. Cost of mobbing call to breeding pied flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca. – Behavioral Ecology 16: 37-40.
  • Teder, T. & Tammaru, T. 2005. Sexual size dimorphism within species increases with body size in insects. - Oikos 108: 321-334.
  • Lõhmus, A. & Väli, Ü. 2005. Habitat use by the vulnerable greater spotted eagle Aquila clanga interbreeding with the lesser spotted eagle A. pomarina in Estonia. – Oryx 39: 170-177.
  • Lõhmus, A. & Remm, J. 2005. Nest quality limits the number of hole-nesting passerines in their natural cavity-rich habitat. – Acta Oecologica 27: 125-128.
  • Mänd, R., Tilgar, V., Lõhmus, A., Leivits, A. 2005. Providing nest boxes for hole-nesting birds – does habitat matter? – Biodiversity and Conservation 14: 1823-1840.
  • Lõhmus, A., Sellis, U. & Rosenvald, R. 2005. Have recent changes in forest structure reduced the Estonian black stork Ciconia nigra population. – Biodiversity and Conservation 14: 1421-1432.
  • Tilgar, V., Mänd, R., Kilgas, P. & Reynolds, S.J. 2005. Chick development in free-living great tits Parus major in relation to calcium availability and egg composition. - Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 78: 590-598.
  • Ots, I., Freitak, D. & Vanatoa, A. 2005. Expression of immunity and general condition in the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), in relation to origin and gender. - Entomological Science 8: 173-178.
  • Lõhmus, A. & Lõhmus, P. 2005.Coarse woody debris in mid-aged stands: abandoned agricultural versus long-term forest land. - Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35: 1502-1506.
  • Eeva, T., Hasselquist, D., Langefors, A., Tummeleht, L., Nikinmaa, M. & Ilmonen, P. 2005. Pollution-related effects on immune function and stress in a free-living population of pied flycatcher. - Journal of Avian Biology 36: 405-412.
  • Mänd, R., Tilgar, V. & Møller, A.P. 2005. Negative relationship between plumage color and breeding output in female great tits Parus major. – Evolutionary Ecology Research 7: 1013-1023.
  • Javoiš, J., Tammaru, T. & Käär, M. 2005. Oviposition in an eruptive moth species, Yponomeuta evonymellus, is insensitive to the population density experienced during larval period. - Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 115: 379-386.
  • Lõhmus, A. 2005. Are timber harvesting and conservation of forest-dwelling raptors always mutually exclusive? – Animal Conservation 8: 443-450.
  • Lõhmus, A., Lõhmus, P., Remm, J. & Vellak, K. 2005. Old-growth structural elements in a strict reserve and commercial forest landscape in Estonia. - Forest Ecology and Management 216: 201-215.
  • Tammaru, T. & Javoish, J. 2005. When being alive implies being safe: variation in mortality rates can cause oviposition selectivity to increase with age. - Oikos 111: 649-653.  
  • Freitak, D., Vanatoa, A., Ots, I. & Rantala, M.J. 2005. Formation of melanin-based wing patterns is influenced by condition and immune challenge in Pieris brassicae - Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 116: 237-243.
  • Hõrak, P., Surai, P.F., Ots, I. & Møller, A.P. 2004. Fat soluble antioxidants in brood-rearing great tits: relations to health and appearance. - Journal of Avian Biology 35: 63-70.
  • Tilgar, V., Mänd, R., Ots, I., Mägi, M., Kilgas, P., Reynolds, S. J. 2004. Calcium availability affects bone growth in nestlings of free-living great tits Parus major, as detected by plasma alkaline phosphatase. – Journal of Zoology 263: 269-274.
  • Lõhmus, A. 2004. Raptor habitat studies – the state of the art. - In: Chancellor, R.D. & Meyburg, B.-U. (eds.), Raptors Worldwide. WWGBP; Berlin, London & Paris. Pp. 279-296.
  • Väli, Ü. & Lõhmus, A. 2004. Nestling characteristics and identification of the lesser spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina), greater spotted eagle (A. clanga), and their hybrids. – Journal of Ornithology 145: 256-263.
  • Lõhmus, A. 2004. Breeding bird communities in two Estonian forest landscapes: are managed areas lost for biodiversity conservation? - Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Biology/ Ecology 53: 52-67.
  • Tilgar, V., Ots, I., Mänd, R. 2004. Bone alkaline phosphatase as a sensitive indicator of skeletal development in birds: a study of the Great Tit nestlings. - Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 77: 530-535.
  • Esperk, T., Tammaru, T. 2004. Does the "investment principle" model explain moulting strategies in Lepidopteran larvae? - Physiological Entomology 29: 56-66.
  • Lõhmus, A. & Väli, Ü. 2004. The effects of habitat quality and female size on the productivity of the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina in the light of the alternative prey hypothesis. - Journal of Avian Biology 35: 455-464.
  • Javoiš, J. & Tammaru, T. 2004. Reproductive decisions are sensitive to cues of life expectancy: the case of a moth. – Animal Behaviour 68: 249-255.
  • Hõrak P., Saks L., Karu U., Ots I., Surai P.F., & McGraw, K.J. 2004. How coccidian parasites affect health and appearance of greenfinches. - Journal of Animal Ecology 73: 935-947.
  • Tammaru, T., Nylin, S., Ruohomäki, K. & Gotthard, K. 2004. Compensatory responses in lepidopteran larvae: a test of growth rate maximisation. - Oikos, 107: 352-362.
  • Barbosa, P., Tammaru, T. & Caldas, A. 2004. Is parasitism of numerically dominant species in Macrolepidopteran assemblages independent of their abundance? - Basic and Applied Ecology, 5: 357-366.
  • Väli, Ü., Treinys, R. & Lõhmus, A. 2004. Geographic variation in macrohabitat use and preferences of the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina. - Ibis 146: 661-671.
  • Reynolds, S.J., Mänd, R. & Tilgar, V. 2004. Calcium supplementation of breeding birds: directions for future research. – Ibis 146: 601-614.
  • Angelstam, P., Roberge, J.-M., Lõhmus, A., Bergmanis, M., Brazaitis, G., Dönz-Breuss, M., Edenius, L., Kosinski, Z., Kurlavičius, P., Larmanis, V., Lukins, M., Mikusinski, G., Račinskis, E., Stradzs, M. & Tryjanowski, P. 2004. Habitat modelling as a tool for landscape-scale conservation – a review of parameters for focal forest birds. - Ecological Bulletins 51: 427-453.
  • Lõhmus, A., Kohv, K., Palo, A., Viilma, K. 2004. Loss of old-growth, and the minimum need for strictly protected forests in Estonia. - Ecological Bulletins 51: 401-411.
  • Mägi, M. & Mänd, R. 2004. Habitat differences in allocation of eggs between successive breeding attempts in great tits (Parus major). – Ecoscience 11: 361-369.
  • Mänd, R., Tilgar, V. 2003. Does supplementary calcium reduce the cost of reproduction in the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca? – Ibis 145: 67-77.
  • Hõrak, P. 2003. When to pay the cost of reproduction? A brood size manipulation experiment in great tits (Parus major). – Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 54: 105-112.
  • Lõhmus, A. 2003. Do Ural Owls suffer from the lack of nest sites in managed forests? - Biological Conservation 110: 1-9.
  • Pahkala, M., Merilä, J., Ots, I., Laurila, A. Effects of ultraviolet-B radiation on metamorphic traits in the Common Frog Rana temporaria. – Journal of Zoology 259: 57-62.
  • Saks, L., Ots, I. & Hõrak, P. 2003. Carotenoid-based plumage coloration of male greenfinches reflects health and immunocompetence. – Oecologia 134: 301-307.
  • Hõrak, P., Saks, L., Ots, I., Kullisaar, T., Kollist, H. & Zilmer, M. 2003. Physiological effects of immune challenge in captive greenfinches (Carduelis chloris). - Canadian Journal of Zoology 81: 371-379.
  • Hõrak, P. & Saks, L. 2003. Animal allure and health linked by plant pigments. – BioEssays 25: 746-747.
  • Teder, T. & Tammaru, T. 2003. Short-term indirect interactions between two moth species mediated by shared parasitoids: the benefit of being scarce. - European Journal of Entomology 100: 323-328.
  • Cassel, A.,Tammaru, T. 2003. Allozyme variability in central, peripheral and isolated populations of the scarce heath (Coenonympha hero: Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae); implications for conservation. - Conservation Genetics 4: 83-93.
  • Lõhmus, A. 2003. Are certain habitats better every year? A review and a case study on birds of prey. - Ecography 26: 545-552.
  • Freitak, D., Ots, I., Vanatoa, A. & Hõrak, P. 2003. Immune response is energetically costly in white cabbage butterfly pupae. – Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B (Suppl.) 270: S220-S222.
  • Saks, L., McGraw, K.J. & Hõrak, P. 2003. How feather colour reflects its carotenoid content. – Functional Ecology 17: 555-561.
  • Rosenvald, R. & Lõhmus, A. 2003. Nesting of the Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) and White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) in relation to forest management. – Forest Ecology and Management 185: 217-223.
  • Sæther, B.-E., Engen, S., Møller, A.P., Matthysen, E., Adriaensen, F., Fiedler, W., Leivits, A., Lambrechts, M.M., Visser, M.E., Anker-Nilssen, T., Both, C., Dhondt, A.A., McCleery, R.H., McMeeking, J., Potti, J., Røstad, O.W., Thomson, D. 2003. Climate variation and regional gradients in population dynamics of two hole nesting passerines. – Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 270: 2397-2404.
  • Lõhmus, P., Saag, L. & Lõhmus, A. 2003. Is there merit in identifying leprarioid crusts to species in ecological studies? Lichenologist 35: 187–190.
  • Leito, A., Truu. J., Leivits, A & Ojaste, I. 2003. Changes in distribution and numbers of the breeding population of the Common Crane Grus grus in Estonia. – Ornis Fennica 80: 159-171.
  • Mänd, M., Mänd, R., Williams, I.H. 2002. Bumblebees in the agricultural landscape of Estonia. - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 89: 69-76.
  • Teder, T., Tammaru, T. 2002. Cascading effects of plant vigour on the relative performance of insect herbivores and their parasitoids. - Ecological Entomology 27: 94-104.
  • Tilgar, V., Mänd, R., Mägi, M. 2002. Calcium shortage as a constraint on reproduction in Great Tits Parus major: a field experiment. - Journal of Avian Biology 33: 407-413.
  • Hõrak, P., Saks, L., Ots, I., Kollist, H. 2002. Repeatability of condition indices in captive greenfinches (Carduelis chloris). - Canadian Journal of Zoology 80: 636-643.
  • Lõhmus, A. 2002. The lack of old-growth forest - a threat to Estonian biodiversity. - Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Biology/ Ecology 51: 138-144.
  • Mänd, R., Talvi, T., Ehlvest, A., Kiristaja, P. 2002. Land snails in Estonian forests: numbers and species richness. - Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Biology/ Ecology 51: 204-216.
  • Väli, Ü., Lõhmus, A. 2002. Parental care, nestling growth and diet in a Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga nest. - Bird Study 49: 93-95.
  • Tammaru, T., Esperk, T., Castellanos, I. 2002. No evidence for costs of being large in females of Orgyia spp. (Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae): larger is always better. - Oecologia 133: 430-438.
  • Krams, I., Krama, T. 2002. Interspecific reciprocity explains mobbing behaviour of the breeding chaffinches, Fringilla coelebs. – Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 269: 2345-2350.
  • Hõrak, P., Surai, P. E., Møller, A. P. 2002. Fat-soluble antioxidants in the eggs of great tits Parus major in relation to breeding habitat and laying sequence. - Avian Science 2: 123-130.
  • Luigujõe, L., Kuresoo, A., Leivits, A. 2002. Numbers and distribution of Whooper Swans breeding, wintering and on migration in Estonia, 1990-2000. – Waterbirds 25: S61-S66.
  • Ots, I., Kerimov, A.B, Ivankina, E.V., Ilyina, T.A., Hõrak, P. 2001. Immune challenge affects basal metabolic activity in wintering great tits. - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 268: 1175-1181.
  • Hõrak, P., Ots, I., Vellau, H., Spottiswoode, C. & Moller, A. P. 2001. Carotenoid-based plumage coloration reflects hemoparasite infection and local survival in breeding great tits. - Oecologia 123, 166-173.
  • Mänd, R., Ehlvest, A., Kiristaja, P. 2001. Land snails in an afforested oil-shale mining area. - Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Biology/ Ecology 50: 37-41.
  • Teder, T., Tammaru, T. 2001. Larger larvae of a flush-feeding moth are not at a higher parasitism risk: implications for host life-history. - European Journal of Entomology 98: 277-282.
  • Tammaru, T., Tanhuanpää, M., Ruohomäki, K. & Vanatoa, A. 2001. Autumnal moth - why autumnal? - Ecological Entomology 26: 646-654.
  • Lõhmus, A. 2001. Habitat selection in a recovering Osprey Pandion haliaetus population. - Ibis 143: 00-00.
  • Lõhmus, P. & Lõhmus, A. 2001. Snags, and their lichens in old Estonian peatland forests. - Annales Botanici Fennici 38: 265-280.
  • Lõhmus, A. & Väli, Ü. 2001. Interbreeding of the Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga and the Lesser Spotted Eagle A. pomarina. - Acta Ornithoecologica 4: 377-384.
  • Lõhmus, A. & Väli, Ü. 2001. Numbers and population dynamics of the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina in Estonia. - Acta Ornithoecologica 4: 291-295.
  • Lõhmus, A. 2001. Ospreys Pandion haliaetus in Estonia: a historical perspective. - Vogelwelt 122: 167-172.
  • Mänd, R., Tilgar, V., and Leivits, A. 2000. Reproductive response of Great Tits Parus major to calcium supplementation in a naturally base-poor forest habitat. - Canadian Journal of Zoology 78: 689-695.
  • Teder, T., Tanhuanpää, M., Ruohomäki, K., Kaitaniemi, P., Henriksson, J. 2000. Temporal and spatial variation of larval parasitism in non-outbreaking populations of a folivorous moth. - Oecologia 123. 516-524.
  • Mänd, R., Tilgar, V., and Leivits, A. 2000. Calcium, snails, and birds: a case study. - Web Ecology 1: 63-69.
  • Hõrak, P.,Vellau, H., Ots, I., & Moller, A. P. 2000. Growth conditions affect carotenoid-based plumage coloration of great tit nestlings. - Naturwissenschaften 87. 460-464.
  • Hõrak, P., Ots, I., Tegelmann, L. & Moller, A.P. 2000. Health impact of phytohaemagglutinin-induced immune challenge on great tit nestlings. - Canadian Journal of Zoology 78: 905-910.
  • Tammaru T., Ruohomäki K., Montola M. 2000. Crowding-induced plasticity in Epirrita autumnata (Lepidoptera: Geometridae): weak evidence of specific modifications in reaction norms. - Oikos 90: 171-181.
  • Tammaru T., Javoiš, J. 2000. Responses of ovipositing moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) to host plant deprivation: life-history aspects and implications for population dynamics. - Environmental Entomology 29: 1002-1100.
  • K. Ruohomäki, M. Tanhuanpää, M. P. Ayres, P. Kaitaniemi, T. Tammaru, E. Haukioja. 2000. Causes of cyclicity of Epirrita autumnata (Lepidoptera, Geometridae): grandiose theory and tedious practice. - Population Ecology 42: 211-223.
  • Tartes, U; Kuusik, A; Hiiesaar, K.; Metspalu, L.; Vanatoa, A. 2000. Abdominal movements, heartbeats and gas exchange in pupae of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata. - Physiological Entomology 25: 151-158.
  • Hõrak, P., Jenni-Eiermann, S. & Ots, I. 1999. Do great tits (Parus major) starve to reproduce? - Oecologia 119:293-299.
  • Kose, M. & Moller, A.P. 1999. Sexual selection, feather breakage and parasites: the importance of white spots in the tail of the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica). - Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 45: 430-436.
  • Teder, T., Tammaru, T., Pedmanson, R. 1999. Patterns of host use in solitary parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae): field evidence from a homogenous habitat. - Ecography 22: 79-86.
  • Tammaru, T. & Hõrak, P. 1999. Should one invest more in large broods? Not necessarily. Oikos 85: 574-581.
  • Tartes, U., Kuusik, A., Vanatoa, A. 1999. Heartbeat and body movement: roles in gas exchange in galleria mellionella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) pupae. - International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology 28: 145-149.
  • Tartes, U., Kuusik, A., Vanatoa, A. 1999. Diversity in gas exchange and muscular activity patterns in insects studied by a respirometer-actograph. - Physiological Entomology 24. 150-157.
  • Mänd, M., Kaaviste, H., Kase, K., Mänd, R. 1999. Cultivated land as habitat for bumble bees in Estonia. - In (Elberg, K., ed.) Proceedings of the XXIV Nordic Congress of Entomology. Tartu, University of Tartu & Estonian Naturalists' Society, pp. 83-86.
  • Lõhmus, A. 1999. Vole-induced regular fluctuations in the Estonian owl populations. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 36: 167-178.
  • Tilgar, V., Mänd, R. and Leivits, A. 1999. Effect of calcium availability and habitat quality on reproduction in Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca and Great Tit Parus major. - Journal of Avian Biology. 30: 383-391.
  • Kose, M., Mänd, R., Moller, A.-P. 1999. Sexual selection for white tail spots in the barn swallow in relation to habitat choice by feather lice. - Animal Behaviour 58: 1201-1205.
  • Hõrak, P., Tegelmann, L., Ots, I. & Moller, A.P. 1999. Immune function and survival of great tit nestlings in relation to growth conditions - Oecologia 121: 316-322.
  • Tilgar, V., Mänd, R., Leivits, A. 1999. Breeding in calcium-poor habitats: are there some extra costs? - Acta Ornithologica 34: 215-218.
  • Hõrak, P. & Lebreton, J.-D. 1998. Survival of adult Great Tits in relation to sex and habitat: a comparison of urban and rural populations. - Ibis140: 205-209.
  • Ots, I., Murumägi, A., Hõrak, P. 1998. Hematological health state indices of reproducing Great Tits. Methodology and sources of natural variation. - Functional Ecology 12: 700-707.
  • Hõrak, P., Ots, I., Murumägi, A. 1998. Hematological health state indices of reproducing Great Tits. A response to brood size manipulation. - Functional Ecology 12: 750-756.
  • Hõrak. P., Jenni-Eiermann, S., Ots, I., Tegelmann, L. 1998. Health and reproduction: sex-specific clinical profile of great tits (Parus major) in relation to breeding. - Canadian Journal of Zoology 76: 2235-2243.
  • Ots, I., Hõrak, P. 1998. Health impact of blood parasites in breeding great tits. - Oecologia 116: 441-448.
  • Hõrak, P. & Ots, I. 1998. Health state and local survival in the great tit. - Biol. Cons. Fauna 102: 311- 317.
  • Maran, T., Kruuk, H., MacDonald, D. W., Põlma, M. 1998. Diet of two species of mink in Estonia: displacement of Mustela lutreola by M. vison. - Journal of Zoology 245: 218-222.
  • Teder, T. 1998. Limited variability of genitalia in the genus Pimpla (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae): inter- or intraspecific causes? - Netherlands Journal of Zoology 48: 335-347.

Hõrak, P., Mänd, R. & Ots, I. 1997. Identifying targets of selection: a multivariate analysis of reproductive traits in the Great Tit. - Oikos 78: 592-600.

  • Ots, I & Hõrak, P. 1996. Great tits (Parus major) trade health for reproduction. - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Biology 263: 1443-1447.
  • Mänd, R. 1996. Increased eggshell porosity in replacement clutches of the Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus. - Ornis Fennica, 73: 131-136.
  • Hõrak, P. & Tammaru, T 1996. Between-year variation in breeding conditions affects heritability estimates for body size in birds. - Ardea 84: 127-135.
  • Mänd, M., Maavara, V., Martin, A.-J., Mänd, R. 1996. The density of Bombus lucorum (L.) required to effect maximum pollination of alfalfa in Estonia. - J. Apicultural Research, 35: 79-81.
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  • Hõrak, P. 1995. Brood reduction facilitates female but not offspring survival in the Great Tit. - Oecologia 102: 515-519.
  • Oksanen, L., Oksanen, T., Moen, J., Lundberg, P.A., Schneider, M. & Aunapuu, M. 1995. Structure and dynamics of arctic-subarctic grazing webs in relation to primary productivity. - In: K. Winemiller & G. Polis, eds., Food Webs: Integration of Patterns and Dynamics. Chapmann & Hall, London, pp. 231-242.
  • Hõrak, P., Mänd, R, & Ots, I., Leivits, A. 1995. Egg size variation in the Great Tit: individual, habitat and geographic differences. - Ornis Fennica 72:97-114.

Hõrak, P. 1994. Effect of nestling history on adult size and reproduction in the Great Tit. - Ornis Fennica 71: 47-54.

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