Ciara Danielle Baines
Adaptation to oncogenic pollution and natural cancer defences in the aquatic environment
Juh. T. Sepp, L. Saks, M. Giraudeau
Kaarin Hein
Hissing behaviour of free-living Great Tit (Parus major) females reflects behavioural phenotype and breeding success in the wild
Juh. V. Tilgar
Markus Valge
Testing the predictions of life-history theory on anthropometric data
Juh P. Hõrak
Mari-Ann Lind
Internal constraints on energy processing and their consequences: an integrative study of behaviour, ornaments and digestive health in greenfinches
Juh P. Hõrak, T. Sepp
Kunter Tätte
Towards an integrated view of escape decisions in birds under variable levels of predation risk
Juh R. Mänd, A.P. Møller
Janek Urvik
Multidimensionality of ageing in a long-lived seabird
Juh T. Sepp, P. Hõrak
Killu Timm
Effects of two genes (DRD4 and SERT) on great tit (Parus major) behaviour and reproductive traits
Juh V. Tilgar
Richard Meitern
Redox physiology of wild birds: validation and application of techniques for detecting oxidative stress
Juh P. Hõrak
Jaanis Lodjak
Association of Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 and Corticosterone with Nestling Growth and Fledging Success in Wild Passerines
Juh M. Mägi
Marju Männiste
Physiological ecology of greenfinches: information content of feathers in relation to immune function and behavior
Juh P. Hõrak
Rauno Veeroja
Effects of winter weather, population density and timing of reproduction on life-history traits and population dynamics of moose (Alces alces) in Estonia
Juh V. Tilgar
Mart Jüssi
Living on an edge: land-locked seals in changing climate
Juh T. Härkönen, A. Karis
Tuul Sepp
Hematological health state indices of greenfinches: sources of individual variation and responses to immune system manipulation
Juh P. Hõrak
Pauli Saag
Natural variation in plumage bacterial assemblages in two wild breeding passerines
Juh R. Mänd, V. Tilgar
Elin Sild
Oxidative defences in immunological context: validation and application of assays for nitric oxide production and oxidative burst in a wild passerine
Juh P. Hõrak
Riinu Rannap
Impacts of habitat loss and restoration on amphibian populations
Juh A. Lõhmus
Ulvi Karu
Antioxidant protection, carotenoids and coccidians in greenfinches – assessment of the costs of immune activation and mechanisms of parasite resistance in a passerine with carotenoid-based ornaments
Juh P. Hõrak
Jaanus Remm
Tree-cavities in forests: density, characteristics and occupancy by animals
Juh A. Lõhmus
Priit Kilgas
Blood parameters as indicators of physiological condition and skeletal development in great tits (Parus major): natural variation and application in the reproductive ecology of birds
Juh R. Mänd
Marko Mägi
The habitat-related variation of reproductive performance of great tits in a deciduous-coniferous forest mosaic: looking for causes and consequences
Juh R. Mänd
Tatjana Krama
Mobbing behaviour in birds: costs and reciprocity based cooperation
Juh I. Krams (Daugavpilsi Ülikool), R. Mänd
Toomas Esperk
Larval instar as a key element of insect growth schedules
Juh T. Tammaru
Lea Tummeleht
Physiological condition and immune function in great tits (Parus major L.): sources of variation and trade-offs in relation to growth
Juh P. Hõrak
Juhan Javoiš
The effects of experience on host acceptance in ovipositing moths
Juh T. Tammaru
Lauri Saks
Immune function, parasites, and carotenoid-based ornaments in greenfinches
Juh P. Hõrak
Asko Lõhmus
Habitat preferences and quality for birds of prey: from principles to applications
Juh R. Mänd
Vallo Tilgar
Effect of calcium supplementation on reproductive performance of the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca and the Great Tit Parus major, breeding in northern temperate forests
Juh R. Mänd
Tiit Teder
Direct and indirect effects in host-parasitoid interactions: ecological and evolutionary consequences
Juh Toomas Tammaru
Indrek Ots
Health state indices of reproducing Great Tits (Parus major): sources of variation and connections with life-history traits
Juh Peeter Hõrak
Peeter Hõrak
Pathways of selection in avian reproduction: a functional framework and its application in a population study of the Great Tit
Juh Raivo Mänd
Urmas Tartes
Respiration rhythms in insects
Kaitses eksternina