
Entomoloogia õppetool

Ruumi kokkuhoiu mõttes näitame vaid viimase viie aasta tegemisi. Suurema huvi korral kontakteeruge julgelt.

Kurina, O. & Õunap, E. 2023. Morphological and molecular data reveal fifteen new sympatric Zygomyia Winnertz, 1864 (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) species from Ecuador. Zootaxa 5227(1): 001-049. 10.3390/insects12121069


  • Gielen, R.; Robledo, G.; Zapata, A.I.; Tammaru, T.; Põldmaa, K. 2022. Entomopathogenic Fungi Infecting Lepidopteran Larvae: A Case from Central Argentina. Life 12, 974.
  • Fetnassi, N.; Ude, K.; Kull, A. and Tammaru, T. 2022. Weather sensitivity of sugar bait trapping of nocturnal moths: a case study from northern Europe. – Insects 13: 1087
  • Gielen R., Põldmaa K. & Tammaru, T (2022) In search of ecological determinants of fungal infections: A semi‐field experiment with folivorous moths. Ecology and Evolution 12(5): e8926.
  • Davis R.B., Õunap E, Tammaru T (2022) A supertree of Northern European macromoths. PLoS ONE 17(2): e0264211. 10.1371/journal.pone.0264211
  • Holm, S., Kaasik, A., Javoiš, J., Molleman, F., Õunap, E. & Tammaru, T. 2022. A comparative study on insect longevity: tropical moths do not differ from their temperate relatives. – Evolutionary Ecology, in press.
  • Opare, L.O., Holm, S., Esperk, T. 2022.Temperature-modified density effects in the black soldier fly: low larval density leads to large size, short development time and high fat content - Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 0(0): 1-20 doi:10.3920/JIFF2021.0147
  • Teder, T., Kaasik, A., Taits, K. and Tammaru, T. 2021. Why do males emerge before females? Sexual size dimorphism drives sexual bimaturism in insects. - Biological Reviews 96: 2461-2475. doi:10.1111/brv.12762
  • Murillo-Ramos, L., Chazot, N., Sihvonen, P., Õunap, E., Jiang, N., Han, H., Clarke, J.T., Davis, R.B., Tammaru, T., and Wahlberg, N. 2021. Molecular phylogeny, classification, biogeography and diversification patterns of a diverse group of moths (Geometridae: Boarmiini). - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 162: 107198 doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2021.107198
  • Gielen, R., Meister, H., Tammaru, T. and Põldmaa K. 2021. Fungi recorded on folivorous Lepidoptera: high diversity despite moderate prevalence. - Journal of Fungi, 7: 25. doi:10.3390/jof7010025
  • Esperk, T. and Tammaru, T. 2021. Ontogenetic basis of among-generation differences in size-related traits in a polyphenic butterfly. - Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 612330 doi:10.3389/fevo.2021.612330
  • Valtonen, A., Korkiatupa, E., Holm, S., Malinga, G. M., & Nakadai, R. (2021). Remotely sensed vegetation greening along a restoration gradient of a tropical forest, Kibale National Park, Uganda. Land Degradation & Development, 32( 18), 5166– 5177.
  • Oloya, J., Malinga, G. M., Nyafwono, M., Akite, P., Nakadai, R., Holm, S., Valtonen, A. (2021).Recovery of fruit-feeding butterfly communities in Budongo Forest Reserve after anthropogenic disturbance. Forest Ecology and Management 491, 119087
  • Sorjonen, J.M., Karhapää, M., Holm, S., Valtonen, A., Roininen, H. (2021). Performance of the house cricket (Acheta domesticus) on by-product diets in small-scale production. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed: 0 (0): 1 - 6.
  • Laihonen, M., Saikkonen, K., Helander, M. and Tammaru, T. 2020. Insect oviposition preference between Epichloe-symbiotic and Epichloe-free grasses does not necessarily reflect larval performance - Ecology and Evolution , 10: 7242-7249. doi:10.1002/ece3.6450
  • Kivelä, S. M., Davis, R. B., Esperk, T., Gotthard, K., Mutanen, M., Valdma, D. and Tammaru, T. 2020. Comparative analysis of larval growth in Lepidoptera reveals instar-level constraints.- Functional Ecology, 34: 1391-1403 doi:10.1111/1365-2435.13556
  • Sõber, V., Leps, M., Kaasik, A., Mänd, M., Teder, T. 2020. Forest proximity supports bumblebee species richness and abundance in hemi-boreal agricultural landscape. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 298: 106961. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2020.106961
  • Teder, T. (2020). Phenological responses to climate warming in temperate moths and butterflies: species traits predict future changes in voltinism. Oikos, 129: 1051– 1060. doi:10.1111/oik.07119
  • Viljur, M-Liis., Tiitsaar, A., Gimbutas, M., Kaasik, A., Valdma, D., Õunap, E., Tammaru, T. & Teder, T. (2020). Conserving woodland butterflies in managed forests: Both local and landscape factors matter. For. Ecol. Manag, 462: 118002. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118002.
  • Blaus, A., Reitalu, T., Gerhold, P., Hiiesalu, I., Massante, J.C. & Veski, S. (2020). Modern pollen–plant diversity relationships inform palaeoecological reconstructions of functional and phylogenetic diversity in calcareous fens. Front Ecol Evol, 8: 207.doi: 10.3389/fevo.2020.00207
  • Massante, J. C. & Gerhold, P. (2020). Environment and evolutionary history depict phylogenetic alpha and beta diversity in the Atlantic coastal white-sand woodlands. J Veg Sci, 00: 1 – 12. doi:10.1111/jvs.12900
  • Tiitsaar, A., Valdma, D., Õunap, E., Remm, J., Teder, T. & Tammaru, T. (2019). Distribution of butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) in Estonia: Results of a systematic mapping project reveal long-term trends. Ann Zool Fenn. 56: 147–185. doi:10.5735/086.056.0114
  • Brehm, G., Murillo-Ramos, L., Pasi Sihvonen, P., Hausmann, A., Schmidt, B. C., Õunap, E., Moser, A., Mörtter, R., Bolt, D., Bodner, F., Lindt, A., Parra, L.E. & Wahlberg, N. (2019). New World geometrid moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae): Molecular phylogeny, biogeography, taxonomic updates and description of 11 new tribes. Arthropod Syst Phylo. 77: 457 - 486. doi:10.26049/ASP77-3-2019-5
  • Molleman, F., Javoiš, J., Davis, R. B., Whitaker, M., Tammaru, T., Prinzing, A., Õunap, E., Wahlberg, N., Kodandaramaiah, U., Aduse-Poku, K., Kaasik, A. & Carey, J. (2019). Quantifying the effects of species traits on predation risk in nature: a comparative study of butterfly wing damage. J Anim Ecol. 89: 716 – 729. doi:10.1111/1365-2656.13139
  • Murillo-Ramos, L., Brehm, G., Sihvonen, P., Hausmann, A., Holm, S., Ghanavi, H. R., Õunap, E., Truuverk, A., Staude, H., Friedrich, E., Tammaru, T. & Wahlberg, N. (2019) A comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Geometridae (Lepidoptera) with a focus on enigmatic small subfamilies. PeerJ. 7: e7386. doi:10.7717/peerj.7386
  • Kivelä, S. M., Gotthard, K. & Lehmann, P. (2019) Developmental plasticity in metabolism but not in energy reserve accumulation in a seasonally polyphenic butterfly. J. Exp. Biol. 222: jeb202150. doi:10.1242/jeb.202150
  • Volynkin, A. V., Saldaitis, A., Titov, S. V. & Truuverk, A. (2019) Six new species of Athaumasta Hampson, 1906 (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Bryophilinae) from the mountains of Kazakhstan, Russian Altai and Mongolia. Ecol. Mont. 22: 1 - 26. doi:10.37828/em.2019.22.1
  • Knapp, M., Řeřicha, M., Maršíková, S., Harabiš, F., Kadlec, T., Nedvěd, O. & Teder, T. (2019) Invasive host caught up with a native parasitoid: field data reveal high parasitism of Harmonia axyridis by Dinocampus coccinellae in Central Europe. Biol Invasions, 21: 2795 – 2802. doi:10.1007/s10530-019-02027-4
  • Holm, S., Javoiš, J., Molleman, F., Davis, R. B., Õunap, E., Roininen, H.& Tammaru, T. (2019) No Indication of High Host-Plant Specificity in Afrotropical Geometrid Moths. J Insect Sci. 19 (3): pii1. doi:10.1093/jisesa/iez028
  • Õunap, E., Tammaru, T. & Truuverk, A. (2019). Perizomini (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Larentiinae) are polyphyletic. ISE 51: 489 – 516. doi:10.1163/1876312X-00002301.
  • Sõber, V., Sandre, S-L., Esperk, T., Teder, T. & Tammaru, T. (2019). Ontogeny of sexual size dimorphism revisited: females grow for a longer time and also faster. PLoS ONE 14(4): e0215317. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0215317
  • Massante, J. C., Götzenberger, L., Takkis, K., Hallikma, T., Kaasik, A., Laanisto, L., Hutchings, M. J. & Gerhold P (2019). Contrasting latitudinal patterns in phylogenetic diversity between woody and herbaceous communities. Sc. Rep. 9: 6443. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-42827-1
  • Holm, S., Javoiš, J., Molleman, F., Davis, Robert B., Õunap, E., Roininen, H. & Tammaru, T. (2019). No Indication of High Host-Plant Specificity in Afrotropical Geometrid Moths. J Insect Sci , 19: 1. doi:10.1093/jisesa/iez028
  • Gyulai, P., Saldaitis, A., Truuverk, A. & Vaitonis, G. (2019). A new Blepharosis species from China (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Zootaxa. 4576: 596 - 600. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4576.3.13
  • Freitak, D., Tammaru, T., Sandre, S., Meister, H. & Esperk, T. (2019). Longer life span is associated with elevated immune activity in a seasonally polyphenic butterfly. J Evol Biol. 32: 653 - 665. doi:10.1111/jeb.13445
  • Pihain, M., Gerhold, P., Ducousso, A & Prinzing, A. (2019). Evolutionary response to coexistence with close relatives: increased resistance against specialist herbivores without cost for climatic-stress resistance. Ecol. Lett. 22 (8): 1285 - 1296. doi:10.1111/ele.13285
  • Volynkin, A., Titov S., Cernila, M., Truuverk, A. & Saldaitis, A. (2019). A new species of Victrix Staudinger, 1879 from Kazakhstan (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Zootaxa. 4563: 325 - 336. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4563.2.6.
  • Gerhold, P., Ribeiro, E.M.S., Santos, B.A., Sarapuu, J., Tabarelli, M., Wirth, R. & Leal, I.R. (2019). Phylogenetic signal in leaf-cutting ant diet in the fragmented Atlantic rainforest. J. Trop. Ecol. 35: 144 - 147. doi:10.1017/S0266467419000063
  • Javoiš, J., Davis, R.B. & Tammaru, T. (2019). A comparative morphometric study of sensory capacity in geometrid moths. J. Evol. Biol. 32: 380 - 389. doi:10.1111/jeb.13422
  • Maes, D., Verovnik, R., Wiemers, M., Brosens, D., Beshkov, S., Bonelli, S., Buszko, J., Cantú Salazar, L.,Cassar, L.-F., Collins, S., Dincă, V., Djuric, M., Dušej, G., Elven, H., Franeta, F., Garcia‑Pereira, P., Geryak, Y., Goffart, P., Gór, Á., Hiermann, U., Höttinger, H., Huemer, P., Jakšić, P., John, E., Kalivoda, H., Kati, V., Kirkland, P., Komac, B., Kőrösi, Á., Kulak, A., Kuussaari, M., L’Hoste, L., Lelo, S., Mestdagh, X., Micevski, N., Mihoci, I., Mihut, S., Monasterio‑León, Y., Morgun, D.V., Munguira, M.L., Murray, T., Nielsen, P., Ólafsson, E., Õunap, E., Pamperis, L.N., Pavlíčko, A., Pettersson, L.B., Popov, S., Popović, M., Pöyry, J., Prentice, M., Reyserhove, L., Ryrholm, N., Šašić, M., Savenkov, N., Settele, J., Sielezniew, M., Sinev, S., Stefanescu, C., Švitra, G., Tammaru, T., Tiitsaar, A., Tzirkalli, E., Tzortzakaki, O., van Swaay, C. A. M., Viborg, A. L., Wynhoff, I., Zografou, K. & Warren, M.S (2019). Integrating national Red Lists for prioritising conservation actions for European butterflies. J. Insect Conser. 23: 301 – 330. doi:10.1007/s10841-019-00127-z
  • Viljur, M.-L., Relve, A., Gimbutas, M., Kaasik, A. & Teder, T. (2019). Dispersal of open-habitat butterflies in managed forest landscapes: are colonisers special? J. Insect Conser. 23: 259 – 267. doi:10.1007/s10841-018-0112-6
  • Teder, T. & Knapp, M. (2019). Sublethal effects enhance detrimental impact of insecticides on non-target organisms: A quantitative synthesis in parasitoids. Chemosphere. 214: 371 - 378. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.09.132
  • Sandre, S.-L., Kaart, T., Morehouse, N. & Tammaru, T. (2018). Weak and inconsistent associations between melanic darkness and fitness-related traits in an insect. J. Evol. Biol. 31(12): 1959-1968. doi:10.1111/jeb.13387
  • Mõtlep, M., Tali, K., Ilves, A., Õunap, E. & Kull, T. (2018). Management affects the pollinator abundance but not the reproductive success of butterfly orchids. Plant Ecol. (published online) doi:10.1007/s11258-018-0882-7
  • Tammaru, T., Johansson, N. R., Õunap, E. & Davis, R. B. (2018). Day-flying moths are smaller: evidence for ecological costs of being large. J. Evol. Biol. 31: 1400-1404. doi:10.1111/jeb.13306
  • Saldaitis, A., Volynkin, A. & Truuverk, A. (2018). Three new species of the genus Lasianobia Hampson, 1905 (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) from China, with a revised checklist for the genus. Zootaxa. 4472 (2): 343−357. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4472.2.7.
  • Zrzavá, M., Hladová, I., Dalíková, M., Šíchová, J. Õunap, E., Kubíčková, S. & Marec, F. (2018). Sex chromosomes of the iconic moth Abraxas grossulariata (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) and its congener A. sylvata. Genes 9, 279. doi:10.3390/genes9060279
  • Gerhold, P., Carlucci, M.B., Procheş, Ş. & Prinzing, A. (2018). The Deep Past Controls the Phylogenetic Structure of Present, Local Communities. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 49: 477-497 doi:10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-110617-062348.
  • Clarke, J., & Friedman, M. (2018). Body-shape diversity in Triassic–Early Cretaceous neopterygian fishes: Sustained holostean disparity and predominantly gradual increases in teleost phenotypic variety. Paleobiology, 1-32. doi:10.1017/pab.2018.8
  • Lee, K., Kivelä, S.M., & Ivanov, V., Hausmann, A., Kaila, L., Wahlberg, N. & Mutanen, M. (2018). Information Dropout Patterns in RAD Phylogenomics and a Comparison with Multilocus Sanger Data in a Species-rich Moth Genus. Syst. Biol. 67: 925-939 doi:10.1093/sysbio/syy029
  • Morinay, J., Forsman, J.T., Kivelä, S.M., Gustafsson, L. & Doligez, B. (2018). Heterospecific Nest Site Copying Behavior in a Wild Bird: Assessing the Influence of Genetics and Past Experience on a Joint Breeding Phenotype. Front Ecol Evol. 5:167. doi:10.3389/fevo.2017.00167
  • Forsman, J.T., Seppänen, J.-T., Mönkkönen, M., Thomson, R.L., Kivelä, S.M., Krams, I. & Loukola, O.J. (2018). Is it interspecific information use or aggression between putative competitors that steers the selection of nest-site characteristics? A reply to Slagsvold and Wiebe. J. Avian Biol. 49: e01558doi:10.1111/jav.01558
  • Meister, H., Hämäläinen, R., Valdma, D., Martverk, M. & Tammaru, T. (2018). How to become larger: ontogenetic basis of among-population size differences in a moth. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 166: 4–16.doi:10.1111/eea.12634
  • Viljur, M.-L. & Teder, T. (2018). Disperse or die: Colonisation of transient open habitats in production forests is only weakly dispersal-limited in butterflies. Biol. Conserv. 218: 32−40. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2017.12.006
  • Holm, S., Javoiš, J., Õunap, E., Davis, R.B., Kaasik, A., Molleman, F., Tasane, T. & Tammaru, T. (2018). Reproductive behaviour indicates specificity in resource use: phylogenetic examples from temperate and tropical insects. Oikos. 127: 1113-1124 doi:10.1111/oik.04959
  • Kivelä, S. M., Viinamäki, S., Keret, N., Gotthard, K., Hohtola, E. & Välimäki, P. (2018). Elucidating mechanisms for insect body size: partial support for the oxygen-dependent induction of moulting hypothesis. J. Exp. Biol. 221:jeb1666157. doi:10.1242/jeb.166157
  • Lindman, L., Remm, J., Meister, H. & Tammaru T. (2018). Host plant and habitat preference of Euphydryas maturna (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Melitaeinae): evidence from northern Europe. Ecol. Entomol. 43:102-113. doi:10.1111/een.12474
  • Rohner, P.T., Teder, T., Esperk, T., Lüpold, S. & Blanckenhorn, W.U. (2018). The evolution of male-biased sexual size dimorphism is associated with increased body size plasticity in males. Funct Ecol. 32: 581-591. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13004
  • Lindt, A., Tasane, T., Õunap, E., & Viidalepp, J. (2017). Five new species of the genus Paromphacodes (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Geometrinae) from High Andes in Ecuador. Zootaxa. 4303 (3): 395-406. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4303.3.5
  • Forsman, J.T., Seppänen, J.-T., Mönkkönen, M., Thomson, R.L., Kivelä, S.M., Krams, I. & Loukola, O.J. (2017). Is it interspecific information use or aggression between putative competitors that steers the selection of nest-site characteristics? A reply to Slagsvold and Wiebe. J. Avian Biol. in press. doi:10.1111/jav.01558
  • Viljur, M.-L. & Teder, T. (2018). Disperse or die: Colonisation of transient open habitats in production forests is only weakly dispersal-limited in butterflies. Biol. Conserv. 218: 32−40. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2017.12.006
  • Kivelä, S. M., Viinamäki, S., Keret, N., Gotthard, K., Hohtola, E. & Välimäki, P. (2017). Elucidating mechanisms for insect body size: partial support for the oxygen-dependent induction of moulting hypothesis. J. Exp. Biol. In press. doi:10.1242/jeb.166157
  • Rohner, P.T., Teder, T., Esperk, T., Lüpold, S. & Blanckenhorn, W.U. (2017). The evolution of male-biased sexual size dimorphism is associated with increased body size plasticity in males. Funct Ecol. 2017;00:1–11. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.13004
  • Prous, M., Kramp, K., Vikberg, V. & Liston, A. (2017). North-Western Palaearctic species of Pristiphora (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae). J. Hymenopt. res. 59: 1-190. doi:10.3897/jhr.59.12656
  • Liston, A. D., Heibo, E., Prous, M., Vårdal, H., Nyman, T. & Vikberg, V. (2017). North European gall-inducing Euura sawflies (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae, Nematinae). Zootaxa. 4302: 1–115.doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4302.1.1
  • Schmidt, S., Taeger, A., Morinière, J., Liston, A., Blank, S. M., Kramp, K., Kraus, M., Schmidt, O., Heibo, E., Prous, M., Nyman, T., Malm, T. & Stahlhut, J. (2017). Identification of sawflies and horntails (Hymenoptera, ‘Symphyta) through DNA barcodes: successes and caveats. Mol Ecol Resour.17: 670–685. doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.12614
  • Kivelä, M. S., Friberg, M., Wiklund, C. & Gotthard, K. (2017). Adaptive developmental plasticity in a butterfly: mechanisms for size and time at pupation differ between diapause and direct development. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 122: 46-57. doi:10.1093/biolinnean/blx047
  • Saldaitis, A., Yakovlev, V. R. & Truuverk, A. (2017). Review of the genus Kerzhnerocossus Yakovlev, 2011 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) with descriptions of two new species from Russia and Mongolia. Zootaxa. 4294: 389−394. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4294.3.9
  • Gyulai, P., Saldaitis, A. & Truuverk, A. (2017). Notes on the Agrotis colossa Boursin problem, with the description of new Agrotis species from China (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Zootaxa. 4291: 144−154. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4291.1.8
  • Meister, H., Esperk, T., Välimäki, P. & Tammaru, T. (2017). Evaluating the role and measures of juvenile growth rate: latitudinal variation in insect life histories. Oikos. 126: 1726–1737. doi:10.1111/oik.04233
  • Meister, H., Tammaru, T., Sandre, S-L., Freitak, D. (2017) Sources of variance in immunological traits: evidence of congruent latitudinal trends across species. J. Exp. Biol. 220 (14):2606-2615. doi:10.1242/jeb.154310
  • Roslin, T., Hardwick, B., Novotny, V, Petry, W.K., Andrew, N., Asmus, A., Barrio, I.C., Basset, Y., Boesing, A.L., Bonebrake, T.C., Cameron, E.K., Dáttilo, W., Donoso, D.A., Drozd, P., Gray, C.L., Hik, D.S., Hill, S., Hopkins, T., Huang, S., Koane, B., Laird-Hopkins, B., Laukkanen, L., Lewis, O.T., Milne, S., Mwesige, I., Nakamura, A., Nell, C.S., Nichols, E., Prokurat, A., Sam, K., Schmidt, N.M., Slade, A., Slade, V., Suchanková, A., Teder, T., van Nouhuys, S., Vandvik, V., Weissflog, A., Zhukovich, V. & Slade, E.M. ( 2017). Higher predation risk for insect prey at low latitudes and elevations. Science. 356:742-744. doi:10.1126/science.aaj1631
  • Kiik, K., Maran, T., Nemvalts, K., Sandre, S-L. & Tammaru, T. (2017). Reproductive parameters of critically endangered European mink (Mustela lutreola) in captivity. Anim Reprod Sci. 181:86-92. doi:10.1016/j.anireprosci.2017.03.019
  • Truuverk, A., Õunap, E. & Tammaru, T. (2017). Epirrita Pulchraria (Taylor, 1907) transferred to Malacodea, with notes on the phylogeny and ecology of the tribe Operophterini (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Larentiinae). Zootaxa. 4258:145-156. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4258.2.4
  • Hudson, L. N., Newbold, T., Contu, S., Hill, S. L. L., Lysenko, I., De Palma, A., …, Teder, T., …, Tiitsaar, A., …, & Purvis, A. (2017).The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project. Ecol.Evol. 7: 145–188. doi:10.1002/ece3.2579

Populaarteaduslikud publikatsioonid


Virve Sõber Tolmeldajaid toetavad tegevused põllumajandusmaastikus 10.31-10.46

Tiit Teder Et mitmekesisusest ei saaks kesisus: kuidas kaitsta ja säilitada tolmeldajaid muutuvas maailmas? 10.46-10.58

Brasiilia populaarteadusajakirjas ilmunud artikkel lehelõikaja sipelgate ja inimeste ühistest eelistustest

doi: 10.21800/2317-66602019000300014.

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Raamatu eesmärk on tutvustada meil elavaid päevaliblikaid, nende elukäiku, elupaiku ja olla teejuhiks nende kaunite loomade elu tundmaõppimisel. Raamatust leiab ka juhised liblikate vaatlemiseks ja kogumiseks. Raamatu üldosa on illustreeritud Eestis pildistatud fotodega. Olulise osa raamatust moodustavad fototahvlid ja liigikirjeldused Eesti ja meie lähialade päevaliblikatest. Nendes on toodud kõik Eesti alal leitud päevaliblikate liigid. Lisatud on ka liike, kes esinevad meie naaberaladel ja võivad samuti meile sattuda. Fototahvlitel kujutatud liblikad on pildistatud teaduslike kogude eksemplaridest. Vaid nii on võimalik näidata kõiki olulisi määramistunnuseid ja saada mõistliku aja jooksul pilte kõikidest liikidest. Nende abil peaks igaüks suutma Eesti looduses kohatud päevaliblika ära määrata. Loodame, et käesolev raamat annab oma panuse meie looduse paremale tundmaõppimisele ja seeläbi ka selle paremale hoidmisele.

Määrajasse on koondatud kõigi Eestis leiduva 57 kiili kirjeldused koos piltidega ning lisaks veel kaks, keda siinmail ei ole nähtud, kuid keda teadlased usuvad siin siiski leiduvat. Maailmas on kiile vähemalt 5600 liiki.

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